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[quote] On 26-07-2015 06:57, kiwijock wrote: how about: 1. Trapping 12 08 06, 12 09 and 12 10 FE codes to produce an ongoing MAP in a separate window? 2. a separate window showing your current inventory and what is located in the room you are in - FEI codes 3. I do not personally play with sound effects on - but how about full sounds support. eg special sounds on the 11 series of FE codes for spells, the full list of 13 series codes, some of which I have never even seen the message for in the game - eg "wailing sound of a warning siren", 18 series - always imagined 18 05 jump of cliff should be accompanied by a "Whee!" sound effect, 20 series background noises. 4. Another window showing WHO is playing - using FEW very few seconds - keep track of who may have snuck in and then lost invisibility Richard wrote all of those codes into MUD2 so why not use them? I am assuming that since you wrote an FE client you have the full list? As for Macros - how far would you go? Didn't I see something in your old documentation about supporting Function keys, but you then removed it as these were frowned on? Would the auto correct macros be customisable - eg More than once I have died dead due to typing eatwf or et a wf instead of "eat a wf" - could we add our own favourite typos? What about a separate window for vital stats - and use coloured 'temperature gauges" type display so rather than having to always keep eye on number or small change in colour - make a rather large red gauge when you go below a certain threshold - in fact why not have a running gauge - starts bright green at 120 or more - then gradually fades thru shades of green then oranges, then reds? Interested to hear you comments on those ideas <g> [/quote]
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