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[quote] On 14-03-2024 23:12, Heiach wrote: [b]Bash report 14/03/2024:[/b] In attendance we had: [img][/img] I was a bit off-footed by yet again not having all of my usual kit so I was slower than I wanted to be at doing the bas area, but we were all there and powered up at the 10 minute mark, so a big improvement regardless! I grabbed more of the usual items and took on the pagoda. I got to the top of it in short order and then slew all of the apes. Zedar had a mishap with the dragon but was able to get back there and finish the job despite being burned alive! The giants opened!! Thankfully we had Zedar who remembered much of that area. He and Lowfields (aka Folly) took care of the giants and most of the goblins themselves! I kept running out of magic due to a lack of a certain ring (someone had swamped it??) and had an accident with the touchstone: [img][/img] After that setback I got myself up to a decent level and took out the tiger. I also made myself useful by killing some of the remaining dwarfs with Galandra, taking out the shark0, sk0 and the wraith too. Someone shouted asking if the lion was alive so a "helpful" wizard decided to make sure the lion was indeed alive! Toward the end of the bash we needed to kill the swan and a couple of cows. I faced my fears and took out the spider (I remember dying of poison quite a lot in WP days) and then all was left was the golem! Everyone got themselves into position and in I teleported! The golem was almost dead within seconds but the "helpful" wizard decided the fight was too short and decided to buff them and kept feeding them wafers. I eventually did the deed with around 150 seconds left: [img][/img]
[ This Message was edited by: heiach on 18-03-2024 13:42 ]
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