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[quote] On 01-08-2024 21:10, someuncreativename wrote: Here is The News At 9pm for the First of August 2024, brought to you by Spamton G. Spamton (and transcribed for your reading enjoyment by his woefully unpaid intern). [quote]Dara the necromancess exclaims "[b]Hi![/b]". Spamton the guardian exclaims "[b]HEY EVERY !!![/b]". Dara the necromancess says "[b]Hmm...[/b]". Spamton the guardian says "[b]TODAY'S [[WeatherForecast]] IS SPONSORED BY [[our comfortable three-star hotel]][/b]". Folly the necromancer [b]waves.[/b] Dara the necromancess [b]laughs.[/b] Spamton the guardian says "[b]TODAY'S WEATHER: [[It Burns! Ow! Stop! Help Me! It Burns!]][/b]". Dara the necromancess [b]laughs, out loud.[/b] Folly the necromancer says "[b]Spamton's wiz has been listening to our conversation[/b]". Spamton the guardian says "[b]TOMORROW'S WEATHER: [[Same as it ever was]][/b]". Dara the necromancess says "[b]It's been very hot over here, too.[/b]". Spamton the guardian exclaims "[b]THAT WAS [[TheWeather]]. UP NEXT [[ExclusiveTopStory]] OUR WEEKLY [[Live war crime coverage]]![/b]". Spamton the guardian [b]cackles.[/b] Dara the necromancess says "[b]I don't know if it's going to happen.[/b]". Dara the necromancess says "[b]Okay, we've got three people here already.[/b]". Dara the necromancess asks "[b]Are we in the bashing mood, or do we call this one due to heat exhaustion or whatever?[/b]". Folly the necromancer says "[b]maybe leave it[/b]". Spamton the guardian asks "[b]TODAY'S [[TopStory]] [[HereIsTheNews]] - DOES [[ClimateChange]] PREVENT [[War Crimes]]?[/b]". Dara the necromancess [b]smiles.[/b] Spamton the guardian says "[b][[Clickbaiting]] LIVE FROM [[Elizabethan Tearoom]]... [[Spamton G. Spamton]][/b]". Spamton the guardian [b]flashes an award-losing smile to his audience.[/b] Spamton the guardian [b]pauses for effect.[/b] Spamton the guardian exclaims "[b]MAYBE![/b]". Spamton the guardian [b]cackles.[/b][/quote] Please tune in again next week for more of our regularly-scheduled on-the-ground coverage of the usual war crimes in The Land. [/quote]
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