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[quote] On 08-10-2024 14:53, Zalagar wrote: [b]Mobile Bash report for October 3rd, Part 2[/b] When we last left off, Karjala was seeking out the thieving bird who stole her shilling, Dara was sleeping it off after taking a wrong turn in the pagoda and getting drunk from fumes, and Lowfields had just disposed of the tiger in the pagoda. We now resume the report. [b]Section 4: Mines, spider, ghoul, and dwarf citadel[/b] *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has killed 11 unique mobiles, Dara 11, Karjala 2, Winnie 8 and Lowfields 14! Go Lowfields". Winnie, at around this point, returned from a break other circumstances made her take. *A female voice in the distance shouts "hi again!". You have just been woken up! Your stamina is 62. *sh I don't know who again is but I'll tell again you said hi. Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general warlock shouts "the valetant is available in the hut, very good weapon". *sh I don't know who again is but I'll tell again you said hi. You shout "I don't know who again is but I'll tell again you said hi.". Karjala roamed the evil woods, but the vampire had already been disposed of by Lowfields earlier, as had the wraith. Zedar kept the knight's shield, not sure what it did, but it seemed to help him. Dara, seeing that the pagoda area was cleared out, headed off to the mines. First, she shoved zombie6 into the path of a flood that also claimed the lives of dwarf18, the mean-looking dwarf48, and several others. Then she headed upward to the platform and shed and side passage area and took out zombie0 and zombie4 in fights, and also managed to get rid of skeleton1. Karjala, meanwhile, killed the magpie, punishing it for its shilling stealing. *A female voice in the distance shouts "that's what you get for stealing shillings!!". Dara and Zedar spotted each other in the mines. Dara found the last remaining mobile in the dwarf pasture area, the eagle, and Zedar blinded the eagle on request from Dara. Dara finished off the eagle as Zedar observed. Zedar guessed correctly that the absence of other creatures in the mine and the dwarf pasture was Dara's doing, and continued on with his shield and sword (epee). Lowfields, at around the same time this was happening, decided to go kill skeleton0 right after the mine flooding. Winnie, meanwhile, had encountered the spider in the ruin, and ended up dropping Valetant there. Lowfields killed the spider, left the broadsword for Winnie, and then headed to the dwarf citadel where Dara and Zedar were already at work. *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has 17 unique mobile kills, Dara has 13, Winnie has 8, Karjala has 3 and Lowfields has 18!". *For your information: there are 50 mobiles still alive. (Persona saved on +300 = 26,965). *e Dwarf steps. You are using some narrow, closely-spaced stairs, which descend in a straight line from a room to the west to a message-bearing front door to the east. At the top of the steps are strange decorations, presumably put there to ward off evil presences, such as yours... The front door is open. *sv 50 alive, 246 dead. *reset Time-stamp: 21:03:10 on 3-OCT-2024. This is reset 117477, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 46 minutes. Zedar disposed of stocky dwarf guards, and Dara helped Zedar finish off dwarf38. The two of them went their separate ways in the dwarf citadel, with Dara moving on to fight the hefty dwarf guards. Zedar, meanwhile, found out that Lowfields was also in the dwarf citadel, and so this became a joint effort. Winnie, meanwhile, was facing the ghoul in the rotting room. Zedar fought with the burly dwarf guards, and as Winnie reported that the ghoul was down, Dara joined in the fight against the burly dwarf guards to help Zedar finish them off. They were joined by Lowfields soon afterward. They found themselves in the King's Study, facing the dwarf king and queen, and soon took down the dwarf monarchy. Meanwhile, someone was not feeling well because they said they had eaten a flower. [b]Section 5: The last remaining mobiles[/b] It wasn't long before we got the mobile count down to 13. Dara the necromancess shouts "We need to make 13 mobiles unlucky within 37 minutes!". *sv 13 alive, 283 dead. *reset Time-stamp: 21:12:10 on 3-OCT-2024. This is reset 117477, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 37 minutes. Soon, the mobile count went down to 11, then 10. *For your information: there are 10 mobiles still alive. *reset Time-stamp: 21:12:51 on 3-OCT-2024. This is reset 117477, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 36 minutes. *Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general, shield warlock shouts "I'm moving to WHERE duty. I'll start backwards from Z". Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general, shield warlock shouts "z7". Dara the necromancess shouts "Between flooding and fighting, I took out most zombies plus sk1, but there might be one or two zombies left.". The mobile count went down further, as zombie7 was found. Dara the necromancess shouts "Aside from golem, what's left?". *wh z7 Your spell doesn't find any. *Winnie the sorceress makes some magical gestures. *Winnie the sorceress shouts "wolf". *wh In the distance, you hear a wolf baying AAAOOOOOOHHHH. Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general, shield warlock shouts ";)". *sv 7 alive, 289 dead. That was some pretty incredible timing, there. Anyway, with the wolf gone, we still had a few other overlooked mobiles, such as the mouse (which Lowfields soon got), and some others. Dara did her part to WH a few. An excerpt from her point of view: Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "lowfields got it :(". *wh swan 1 in the place known as "man-made lake". Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "boo lowfields". Zedar the dragon-slaying, bash-general, shield warlock shouts "stag". *sh Swan still swimming! You shout "Swan still swimming!". *n Forest near mountains. *wh stag 1 in the place known as "deerpark". A female voice in the distance shouts "I'm so lost in The Land to this day it's crazy I haven't found the inn after like 20 minutes". *sh Stag still standing! You shout "Stag still standing!". *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "still staggering". *For your information: there are 5 mobiles still alive. *A female voice in the distance shouts "hunting the stag!". Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "boar still boring?" Winnie hunted the stag while Dara bashed the boar. You miss the boar. The boar misses you. *ya A sailable coracle, large enough for one, has been left here. *yawn OK, Dara the necromancess yawns. *"What a boar. Dara the necromancess says "What a boar.". *You hit the boar (20-29). The boar looks close to death. Lowfields arrived just in time to see Dara finish off the boar. Soon, there were only two left. *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "2 left!". *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "and I've armed one of them!". The other one turned out to be ape7, who now had a weapon. Meanwhile, Lowfields, Dara, Zedar did the meditation ritual to access the golem. Lowfields would be the one to go in. Winnie announced that ape7 was down. And soon afterward, the golem went down as well. [b]Section 6: Successful bash, and epilogue[/b] Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "Zedar has killed 23 unique mobiles, Dara 20, Winnie 10, Karjala 3 and Lowfields 32". Zedar then announced that there was "Treasure under the hut, help yourselves." Heiach announced that Lowfields was the 'winner' in the one who killed the most unique mobiles, with Karjala on the other side. Both of them would receive trophies when they returned to the tearoom. Many of those in the tearoom left it again to help make the stored treasure even more valuable. Karjala would claim some of it, and reach the rank of championne. Our newcomer then had this question to ask. *A female voice in the distance shouts "now I can touch the touchstone right??"". Everyone else gave their answers, and then gave Karjala well-wishes and encouragement as MUD2's newest player took on her riskiest task yet: touching the touchstone to obstain magic. You shout "If you feel brave and lucky enough.". *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "make sure to hold the foot". *A female voice in the distance shouts "I have a thing that might be of use to you". *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "yeah". *A female voice in the distance shouts "standing outside the cave of stars". *Karjala the championne has just arrived. Paine the matriarch has just arrived. *Karjala the championne has just left. Paine the matriarch has just left. *A female voice close by shouts "Championne is the correct level to attempt this, with more than 50% success I believe. Superhero drops it to much lower.". *Clouds are gathering overhead. *A female voice close by shouts "Best of luck!". *gl Karjala (Persona saved on -18 = 30,674). You wish good luck to Karjala the championne. *Zedar the warlock has just arrived. *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "it is SIGNIFICANTLY lower at SH, by like A LOT". But did she succeed? *Heiach the chimerical wizard cheers. *A male voice in the distance cheers. *A female voice in the distance cheers. *A female voice in the distance shouts "I DID IT!!!". *Zedar the warlock makes some magical gestures, painting pretty patterns in the air. *Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "congratulations!". *A female voice in the distance cheers. *Zedar the warlock cheers. She did! Karjala obtained her first sorceress. And so everyone returned to the tearoom to celebrate both the successful bash and Karjala's success with the touchstone. *cg Karjala (Persona saved on -16 = 30,658). You congratulate Karjala the sorceress. *Zedar the warlock has just passed on. *wh Heiach the chimerical wizard shouts "now type spells and enjoy looking through all that". *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Lowfields the warlock Zedar the warlock Winnie the sorceress Cenedra the lovely mage Dara the necromancess Karjala the sorceress Drizzle the wobbly mage *A female voice in the distance shouts "congrats!". There was also a long post-bash chat where everyone talked not only about this bash and recent events, but of other events from the past, too. Zedar had a number of stories to share. But as this report is long enough already, we'll just wrap things up here. What's next? Well, if all goes well in October, there may be a Halloween-themed bash in the weeks to come. We'll have to wait and see what happens. [/quote]
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