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[quote] On 27-10-2024 17:43, someuncreativename wrote: [b]= The Monster Bash (2024-10-24) =[/b] [b]== I - Prelude== [/b] [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend exclaims:[/i] HEY EVERY !!! IT’S ME !!! EV3RY BUDDY’S FAVOURITE [[NumberOneRatedLegend2024]] IS HERE TO DO THE [[BashReport]]!!! [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend[/i] cackles. [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend[/i] frantically looks around. [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend shouts:[/i] [[WellPaidEmployee]]!?!?!?!? [i]Dianne the championne has just arrived.[/i] [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] I say, one is starting to tire of these endless harebrained schemes you keep coming up with for getting us out of here – and one cannot comprehend how this is supposed to help. And one is still waiting for you to- [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend[/i] surreptitiously says something to Dianne the championne. [i]Dianne the championne[/i] discreetly replies to Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend, and sighs. [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Well then, dear reader, it seems that one has nothing better to do here besides deliver the bash report from the 24th of October 2024. [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend[/i] cackles. [b]== II - Those About To Die ==[/b] [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Dear reader, one comes to you from beyond the veil with a tale of tears of sorrow, of several unprepared adventurers not realizing that they were facing forces beyond their wildest imagination, and of so, so, many tragedies inflicted upon them by a crazy fool who knew not what he had unleashed. But first, let us get acquainted with the poor souls whom found themselves caught in this tornado of torment. [quote][b]Crazyfool the stand-up wizard[/b] Gaia the bandaged warlock Croakerjr the stick-man protector Winnie the latex temptress necromancess Karjala the haunting newbie sorceress Groggy the scary-sexpot necromancer Paine the gothic babe matriarch Dara the Elvira necromancess Zedar the loo-roll hunk warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage[/quote] and were joined later on by [quote][b]Heiach the chimerical wizard[/b] Galandra the morticia necromancess Midfields the sorcerer Bucky the protector Roamer Folly the warlock[/quote] As the set started, the mortals needed to wait in the tearoom for a moment, occupying themselves with some apple bobbing, whilst the crazed fool unleashed the legion of horrors out in the land. And yes, you may have noticed a new name here – Croakerjr – who may have chosen the worst possible bash to make their debut. But, as soon as that crazed fool had finished preparing The Land, things would very quickly spin out of control… [quote]Crazyfool the stand-up wizard shouts "[b]full disclosure guys. I have no idea what I have done[/b]".[/quote] [b]== III - Ready or Not ==[/b] [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] And so, the adventurers all entered The Land, and went their various ways. Winnie, for instance, having bobbed up an apple from the apple bobbing, decided to grab herself a falchion (and saw a Croakerjr along the way), before making a beeline to the swamp to dump her apple. Rookie mistake. Child4 was there and waiting for her, beating her up within an inch of her life (as she fumbled her falchion into the swamp), and fled before Winnie, now disarmed and wounded, could finish it off. Dara had a better start to the set, taking down Zombie7 in the mausoleum without any incident, and took down Fireimp2 in the cave rather handily; however, at the same time, Zedar found herself fending off Columbear the teddywere and Child2 out in the rapids. Someone else found a Hawumph suit, and was disappointed by the lack of arch powers it bestowed upon the wearer, whilst yet another person found and fought an operatic phantom. As usual, someone had managed to bring the pillar and the pointer to the usual area, and announced it to everyone in The Land, who made their way there. [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend exclaims:[/i] AND [[Winnie]] HAS JUST BEEN AMBUSHED BY THE [[ClothToyWereclown]]! [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] And so, Dara went over there to helped to slay that foe, then- [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend exclaims:[/i] [[Gremlin]]s?? BLOCKING YOUR [[LadderShaft]]?? IT’S MORE LIKELY THAN YOU MAY THINK!! [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Yes, our brave adventurers were not prepared for the unthinkable – a Gremlin got itself caught in the ladder shaft! Thankfully, the blockage was dislodged, and everyone made it to the pillar in time. On the way out, Dara noticed a pinata in the hut – one of the few treats in this torrent of tricks. [quote][b]Woodsman's hut.[/b] A fragile looking pinata has been suspended from the roof. Groggy the scary-sexpot necromancer has just arrived. *k pinata with wp You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… *Zedar the loo-roll hunk warlock has just arrived. *Winnie the latex temptress necromancess has just arrived. *Zedar the loo-roll hunk warlock has just fallen asleep. *Groggy the scary-sexpot necromancer has just left. *k pinata with wp.....… You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… Zedar the loo-roll hunk warlock has woken up! *You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… *You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… *You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… *You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… *You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… *You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… *You hit the pinata nice and hard with the staff0… The pinata shatters, showering the area with handy weapons. A gnarled, sturdy besom (besom5) lies in a cleared space here. A gnarled, sturdy besom (besom4) lies in a cleared space here. A gnarled, sturdy besom (besom3) lies in a cleared space here. A gnarled, sturdy besom (besom2) lies in a cleared space here. A gnarled, sturdy besom (besom1) lies in a cleared space here. [b]A deadly-sharp scimitar catches the light at your feet. Nearby, you espy a springy, well-balanced foil! Lying to one side is a mighty cutlass![/b] A dangerous, mean-looking epee has been dropped on the floor here! [b]A lengthy, vicious rapier has been dropped here! A bloodstained, menacing sabre lies at your feet![/b] *Zedar the loo-roll hunk warlock says "[b]wow[/b]". *A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]Dara just hit a pinata and its STACKED with weaponry. Great job![/b]". *A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]weapons in the hut, try GET BEST WEAPON[/b]".[/quote] Dara and Winnie found themselves fighting the thief together, before Dara got ambushed by a ram and had to flee (said ram was subsequently defeated by Winnie). Winnie picked a fight against an armed and dangerous Chucky doll, whilst Zedar started making his way through the keep. Croakerjr had to flee from something, and spent a moment resting up in the inn. Winnie also popped in herself for some respite, giving Croakerjr a free weapon. At this point, Crazyfool needed to go, leaving the mortals to their own devices.
[ This Message was edited by: someuncreativename on 27-10-2024 19:10 ]
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