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[quote] On 27-10-2024 18:25, someuncreativename wrote: [b]== VIII - The House Of The Dead ==[/b] [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] All the mortals were now invisible. [i]Flexington the dragonfly-slaying, loud sorceress shouts:[/i] UNDERSTANDABLE!!! [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] and if the invisibility wasn’t confusing enough, [quote][b]Evil wood.[/b] You are wandering around in among the hideously deformed oaks of an evil wood. To the north and east runs a river, and west is a rough pasture. The wood gets thicker to the south, where it continues in an almost impenetrable darkness… Standing almost hidden amongst the trees, you notice a dark foreboding Gothic mansion. Strangely, this house does not give the impression of permanence, but instead seems almost ethereal and fleeting in its existence. Something in the back of your mind tells you that entering the porch of this house may be almost the point of no return. *(Winnie the latext temptress sorceress) shouts "[b]anyone entered the gothic mansion yet?[/b]". *(Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] swordsman) shouts "[b]well as a side effect, i learned giants and pagoda this reset, long overdue[/b]". *A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]oh no the pagoda mobs have all had a terrible accident[/b]". *sv 59 alive, 389 dead. *A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]gothic mansion??[/b]". *A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]oh wow a new area added too[/b]". *A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]yeah this IS hard[/b]". *(Zedar the loo-roll hunk, spooky-general swordsman) shouts "[b]giant2 on its way out[/b]". In the distance, you hear an incredibly loud [b]>*B*O*O*M*<[/b]! *(Winnie the latext temptress sorceress) shouts "[b]gonna enter the mansion (within the evil wood), lets hope I don’t die xd[/b]". *(Gaia the bandaged warlock) shouts "[b]rip[/b]". *A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]why is there a mobile called Renfield?[/b]".[/quote] [i]Spamton the dragonfly-slaying legend[/i] appears to be trying to encourage the mortals to find something for him within the mansion basement. [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Nobody is going to understand that anyway. [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Winnie entered the mansion, and was followed closely by Galandra (who wasn’t invisible). They bumped into Renfield, and battled him – he eventually fled, but Galandra chased him down and finished him off. Yet, time was ticking! [quote](*) For your information: there are 50 mobiles still alive. (*)(Midfields the giant-killing sorcerer) [b]roars[/b]. You have just been woken up! (*)Galandra the morticia necromancess shouts "[b]8 minutes. Time to invite all the remaining mobiles to a party in the powder room, and then toss a lit brand once they all arrive there. :)[/b]". (*)A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]I could arrange a skeleton party maybe?[/b]". ... (*)Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero shouts "[b]anyone need help with anything?[/b]". (*)A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]the skeletons need help with their party[/b]". (*)Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero shouts "[b]I think we're winding down now with 6 minutes to go. I may retire to the tearoom[/b]". (*)A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]I can extend if you want?[/b]". (*)(Winnie the latext temptress necromancess) shouts "[b]may need to extend[/b]". (*)Galandra the morticia necromancess shouts "[b]Things in the mansion need moving, and can't be moved by one player.[/b]". (*)Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero shouts "[b]I'll stay in the land in case there is an extend. Shout if someone needs help[/b]". (*)A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]the skeletons are splashing each other with gasoline, someone give them a light[/b]". (*)Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero shouts "[b]unfortunately the gunpowder and the other item are unavailable, the giants[/b]". (*)A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]you don't need gunpowder if they're in the powder room[/b]". (*) [b]Cellar.[/b] The cellar of this old house is gloomy, but dry with strange markings on the stone walls. A fetching cat suit purrs up at you. An embroidered, colourful nightcap has been left here. [b]A painting of a man with piercing red eyes wearing a cape, covers one wall.[/b] Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero is here carrying a [b]broadsword[/b]. Galandra the morticia necromancess is here carrying a [b]key10[/b] and a knife3. (*) Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero has shifted aside the wall painting, revealing an opening. (*) Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero glances around. (*) in [b]Dracula's sleeping chamber.[/b] This is Dracula's sleeping chamber, where he retires to rest from daylight. Dark and with no visible means of exit, he hides in safety from his enemies and that means anyone who has entered without his authority. Dracula is here, watching you through blood red eyes. Dracula is wearing [b]a ring20[/b], and is carrying [b]a gold topped cane[/b]. A coffin lies in the middle of the room. [b]A painting of a man with piercing red eyes wearing a cape, covers one wall[/b].[/quote] [i]Flexington the dragonfly-slaying, loud sorceress shouts:[/i] AND SO WINNIE AND ZEDAR AND GALANDRA DECIDED TO GO AND BEAT UP DRACULA AND THEY WON WOOO!!!! [quote]*A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]whoever asked for mobs in the powder room, your wish is granted btw[/b]". Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero has woken up! *(Midfields the giant-killing sorcerer) shouts "[b]igor at rapids[/b]".[/quote] [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Yes, and things were finally looking up for everyone… [quote]Auto-reset initiated, you have 120 seconds to finish up. No further warnings will be issued! (*)survivors 38 alive, 410 dead. (*)Zedar the loo-roll hunk, spooky-general hero shouts "wh grim reaper toy". … The impending reset has been postponed by 900 seconds. It will now occur in 972 seconds' time.[/quote] [b]== IX - Dead End ==[/b] [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Things were looking particularly grim. Many foes left to slay, but so little time… [i]Flexington the dragonfly-slaying, loud sorceress shouts:[/i] GALANDRA AND SOMEONE INVISIBLE (PROBABLY MIDFIELDS) FOUGHT OFF A GRIM REAPER TOY!!! A FINAL CHILD HAD BEEN WHERE’D AND WAS FOUND STANDING ON A LEDGE AND SO GALANDRA RAN OVER TO PUSH IT OFF THE LEDGE AND KILLED IT!!! A ZOMBIE RESEMBLING GROGGY WAS LOCATED AND SLAIN BY THE INVISIBLE PERSON WHO WAS PROBABLY MIDFIELDS! [quote]Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero shouts "[b]whoever wished for the skeletons, and whoever put them there, thanks to both[/b]". In the distance, you hear an incredibly loud [b]>*B*O*O*M*<[/b]! (Midfields the giant-killing sorcerer) [b]cheers[/b]. A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]rip all 4 skeletons[/b]". A male voice in the distance [b]cheers[/b]. Galandra the morticia necromancess shouts "[b]Okay, what’s left?[/b]".[/quote] [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Things were slightly complicated by Zedar, whom normally works on the WH-ing, no longer having access to magic – and moreso by certain mobs having completely different names this reset. [i]Dianne the championne says:[/i] Winnie went back into the graveyard to slay the ghoul, whilst Midfields and Galandra did some of the WH-ing, finding that many of the mobs in the formal garden had been overlooked – and went to slay them. [i]Flexington the dragonfly-slaying, loud sorceress shouts:[/i] GALANDRA FOUGHT THE STAG AND MOSTLY KILLED IT BUT HAD TO FLEE FROM IT BUT SHE RETURNED AND KILLED IT PROPERLY BUT STILL THERE WAS THE DOVE AND THE PIGS AND THE SWANS AND MAYBE A FEW BEES AS WELL AND PRESUMABLY ALL OF THEM WERE BEING DEALT WITH BUT ALSO [quote]For your information: the nessie0 is worth 187 points if killed. For your information: the nessie1 is worth 187 points if killed. (*) where nessie [b]1 in the place known as "sea".[/b] (*) Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero shouts "[b]20 left is indeed a win[/b]". A male voice in the distance shouts "[b]yeti lives, as does mummy and beholder1 and 3[/b]". (*) where yeti [b]1 in the place known as "open field".[/b][/quote] [i]Flexington the dragonfly-slaying, loud sorceress shouts:[/i] ANYWAY WINNIE LOOKED AROUND FOR SOME MOBS AND GOT VERY CONFUSED AND THEN ENDED UP THINKING ABOUT JUST KILLING THE WOLF MANUALLY (WHILST EVERYONE ELSE WAS DOING STUFF) AS SHE WAS IN THE AREA BUT [quote]Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero has just arrived. Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero has just left. Close by, you hear a wolf baying [b]AAAOOOOOOHHHH[/b]. Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero has just arrived. Rather groggily, Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general hero[/b] has just left. Gaia the bandaged warlock shouts "[b]what about chuckles[/b]". Zedar the loo-roll hunk, [b]spooky-general[/b] hero shouts "[b]talked it down[/b]".[/quote] [i]Flexington the dragonfly-slaying, loud sorceress shouts:[/i] AND THEN WINNIE DECIDED TO GO TRY TO SLAY THE YETI OR SOMETHING BUT THEN SHE HAD A SILLY DEATH AND WAS BACK IN THE TEAROOM!!! [i]Dianne the championne asks:[/i] If I may get a word in edgeways – has anyone been keeping an eye on the time? [quote]*(Drizzle the wobbly mage) yodels "[b]PANIC!!![/b]". *reset Time-stamp: 22:02:23 on 24-OCT-2024. This is reset 117764, using slot 0. A reset is due in 6 seconds. *sv 19 alive, 429 dead. * Something magical is happening.[/quote]
[ This Message was edited by: someuncreativename on 27-10-2024 20:34 ]
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