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MUDII Forum Index » » Account Questions » » Account activity
Author Account activity

Joined: Sep 01, 2001
Posts: 13
Posted: 09-02-2002 10:46   
It looks like I won't be able to play mud in the near future and I don't want my accounts to be deleted so I was wondering how I can stop this from happening? Do I have to log into the game itself (which I can't do) or can I keep my accounts active by logging into this website but not buying any game time?

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 40
Posted: 09-02-2002 12:20   
You can log into MUD without actually entering the game, and that will preserve your personae.

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Joined: Sep 01, 2001
Posts: 13
Posted: 11-02-2002 10:13   
I couldn't get into the mud server when I was using a library computer because it was behind a firewall but for some reason now I'm using university computers (which you think would have a firewall as well) let me log in to the mud server. Oh well, I'm just glad I can play mud again

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 19-02-2002 10:28   

On 09-02-2002 10:46, Werewolf wrote:
It looks like I won't be able to play mud in the near future and I don't want my accounts to be deleted so I was wondering how I can stop this from happening? Do I have to log into the game itself (which I can't do) or can I keep my accounts active by logging into this website but not buying any game time?

As Azrael posted, logging on but not entering the game is enough to keep your account alive.

Currently accounts will be deleted after 200 days of inactivity. After this time, it is also often possible to undelete the account - but not guaranteed.

If you expect to be away for an extended period, I can prevent your account from being deleted - mail me for details.

I hope this helps!


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