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MUDII Forum Index » » General Technical Questions » » login problem
Author login problem

Joined: Mar 06, 2012
Posts: 1
Posted: 06-03-2012 17:50   

I can't login to mud2 in WinTin++ client.
It's strange because on this ID and password i can login trough mudII.co.uk.

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Joined: Apr 28, 2010
Posts: 155
Posted: 08-03-2012 19:17   
Never used this client before but it seems to be working.

#session MUDII mudii.co.uk 23

login, 'mud'
id, 'Z0000****'
password, you are actually typing invisible characters here so don't freak out like I did if you can't see your input =)

[ This Message was edited by: trollsmash on 17-05-2012 22:43 ]

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