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MUDII Forum Index » » Websites » » Muddled Times!
Author Muddled Times!

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 19-08-2001 22:43   
The next issue of Muddled Times is due out on the 1st October, but I'll be away on
holiday for about 10 days before hand. I'd like to have Muddled Times pretty much all
wrapped up and complete before I go away on holiday so the deadline will be much earlier
than usual - the weekend starting the 15th September.

Please, please, please get your articles to me before then.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 14-09-2001 23:44   
As I will be coming back from my holiday during the early hours of the 1st October the release of Muddled Times will be delayed until the evening of the 2nd.

Don't forget that this weekend is your last chance to get your submissions in to me at karya@muddled-times.com, but please send in your letters at any time.

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
Posts: 95
Posted: 16-09-2001 02:08   
Don't forget to tell them that it's extra, EXTRA good this month,Karya. Thanks entirely to the BRILLIANT column penned by The Monkey.

Yes! Yes! You heard me right the first time! The Monkey is rocking your world NOT JUST on the pages of his own site but also in the pages of your favourite MUD-related magazine!

It's okay... I'm here to entertain you.

Pop Culture Monkey: Selling out for your entertainment - Day in, day out.

[ This Message was edited by: Popculturemonkey on 16-09-2001 02:14 ]

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Joined: Aug 31, 2001
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From: My chair
Posted: 18-09-2001 18:01   
Should keep us amused...hopefully...

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 40
Posted: 22-09-2001 22:34   
While Karya and Foddy are away, please send your contributions to me at dclxvi@ntlworld.com.

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
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Posted: 23-09-2001 16:32   
It's a foding takeover bid!
AtomicMonster.com: Death to Popular Culture.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 02-10-2001 20:21   
I've now returned from my holiday in Morocco to halt Azrael's take-over bid but unfortunately I've brought a bit of Morocco back with me and haven't been feeling well. Having spent more time in bed with a fever than working on Muddled Times today the October issue will be delayed a few days until I feel better.

Sorry for the delays.

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
Posts: 95
Posted: 02-10-2001 20:40   
Don't forget to mention my column...

Illness is no excuse for this outrage.
AtomicMonster.com: Death to Popular Culture.

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Joined: Sep 12, 2001
Posts: 49
Posted: 03-10-2001 18:32   
Karya, you brought a bit of Moroccan back with you? Meet you in the tearoom later!

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 11-10-2001 23:05   
... And finally it's finished!!

Sorry for the delay.

You can read the latest edition of Muddled Times at www.muddled-times.com

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Joined: Aug 26, 2001
Posts: 95
Posted: 12-10-2001 19:10   
You forgot to tell them about my article.

Pop Culture Monkey: Selling out for your entertainment - Day in, day out.

[ This Message was edited by: Popculturemonkey on 12-10-2001 19:11 ]

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Joined: Aug 31, 2001
Posts: 167
From: My chair
Posted: 13-10-2001 10:16   
Everyone read Jericho's column...

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