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MUDII Forum Index » » Account Questions » » vise electron
Author vise electron

Joined: Nov 27, 2001
Posts: 94
Posted: 12-03-2002 16:54   
do visa electron cards work cos mine doesnt seem to be

bg x

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 12-03-2002 18:36   

On 12-03-2002 16:54, Billygoat wrote:
do visa electron cards work cos mine doesnt seem to be

I'm afraid it's not possible to pay with an electron card - one of the limitations of the card is that both the card and cardholder must be present for all transactions.

This unfortunately means that you can't use the card for mail order, over the phone, and in this case, over the internet.



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