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MUDII Forum Index » » Game Suggestions » » Race Event 18/07/13?
Author Race Event 18/07/13?

Joined: Aug 29, 2006
Posts: 314
Posted: 13-06-2013 20:49   
I was thinking we could run an event at 6pm prior to the bash.
Wiz helping would be real good, not only to reset the game, but also for ultimate immersion they could announce deaths, give out funny prefixes, and at the end rewarding the winner(s) would be nice.

Everyone brings in their novices at the start (preferably a fresh reset), and the tearoom is unlocked at 6 so we can begin.
The idea is that the person who has the most score at the end of the event wins first place.

There are no rules. I think this event is true to MUD's cut-throat style. Which is why this would be a bit of a cut-throat event, but for this MUD feel I definitely would not disallow PP. Think about it. The non-PP would definitely have the advantage of being able to kill other players for massive points, however the PP would have the advantage of being safe and why not cater to the non PvPers? I think being true to MUD's rules is important. It's goood.

Achievements could be awarded to various goals attained, such as first superhero, first sorcerer, first player kill - please feel free to add more! Or as many as possible! Who doesn't like achievements?

I'm glad there is an interest in this. Will be a real laugh. We can talk about making changes to the event after a successful run. but K.I.S.S. to start with (keep it stupid simple) hehe.

How is 18/07/13 for everyone? Gives us week or 2 to prepare?

[ This Message was edited by: Miek on 04-07-2013 10:36 ]

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Joined: Mar 20, 2011
Posts: 113
Posted: 04-07-2013 17:37   
sounds good mate. i like everything but the PP part. it seems a bit unfair to let people PP. maybe we could try it with then without if itsa bit rubbish.

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Joined: Aug 29, 2006
Posts: 314
Posted: 04-07-2013 18:11   
Thanks, Gaia. Will you or Heiach host it for us?

And yeah, can try without PP if it ruins it. However, Gaia, I'm hoping the sporting players will probably play non-PP anyway XD

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Joined: Mar 20, 2011
Posts: 113
Posted: 04-07-2013 19:11   
Sure i can run it if theres a few peeps playing. you'll have to tell me what prizes you think should be given out and i can see whats possible.

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