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MUDII Forum Index » » General Chat » » Groovy Griffin fight
Author Groovy Griffin fight

Joined: Aug 29, 2006
Posts: 314
Posted: 30-07-2013 11:33   
*The griffin hits you (56/100).
You hit the griffin (5-9).
The griffin looks critically injured.
Zedar the sorcerer

Zedar the sorcerer
eff str 92 eff dex 99 sta 57/100 mag 97 pts 24,737 gam 26
*In the distance, you hear the terrible RHOAAAUUUAURRRRGGGGGGHGHHHGHHHH of a dragon dying.
You have completed a Task which you have done before.
(Persona saved on +100 = 24,837).
You have changed experience level from sorcerer to necromancer.
(Persona saved on +976 = 25,813).
Fourth floor of keep.
There is a lobster pot here. Lying on the floor is an ogygian, cerulean scarab. A sailable coracle, large enough for one, has been left
here. The coracle contains a mortar, a cross and a bow. Sneering at you from the floor is a hideous, marble gargoyle. Crouched close by
and watching you intently is a large, majestic griffin.
Your spell worked!
You emit a bright green flash of light.
You have suddenly and magically become more adroit!
Your spell worked!
You emit a bright blue flash of light.
You have suddenly and magically become stronger!
Zedar the dragon-slaying necromancer
eff str 97 eff dex 104 sta 62/100 mag 84 pts 25,813 gam 26
*The griffin misses you.
You hit the griffin (15-19).
The griffin looks critically injured.
*The griffin hits you (50/100).
You miss the griffin.
*ql wp
ql wp
The axe0 looks to be superficially damaged.
You are carrying the following:
the axe0.
*The griffin hits you (40/100).
You miss the griffin.
*The griffin hits you (25/100).
You hit the griffin (5-9).
The griffin looks close to death.
Your spell worked!
You emit a bright magenta flash of light.
You have suddenly and magically become fitter!
*The griffin misses you.
You hit the griffin (10-14).
The griffin looks close to death.
*The griffin misses you.
You hit the griffin (5-9).
You have killed the griffin.
(Persona saved on +336 = 26,149).
The griffin has just passed on.

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Joined: Aug 08, 2002
Posts: 324
Posted: 30-07-2013 22:48   
Good read - well played timing it so you'd get necro spells during the fight!

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
Posts: 648
From: North West
Posted: 31-07-2013 19:02   
Was that serendipitidous or planned!

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Joined: Aug 29, 2006
Posts: 314
Posted: 01-08-2013 19:23   
It happened spontaneously

I was glad of the FIT spell. If it weren't for it - likely, I would've fled.

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 274
Posted: 04-10-2018 16:35   
Another example of timing workout out just right to a player's advantage. I like it when that happens. Stuff like that helps make things in MUD2 fun.

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 274
Posted: 09-10-2018 05:35   

On 04-10-2018 16:35, Zalagar wrote:
Another example of timing workout out just right to a player's advantage. I like it when that happens. Stuff like that helps make things in MUD2 fun.

This thread is fun enough that it's worth revisiting anyway, regardless of other concerns.

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