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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » mud client for ipad?
Author mud client for ipad?

Joined: Dec 04, 2012
Posts: 238
From: Auckland, NZ
Posted: 04-08-2013 07:51   
has anyone found a reasonable client to use on an ipad? I have been trying ea few in the last week - so if you have seen my PP appaer then disappear suddenly thats why! none of them seem that great - has anyone else found one? Not that I intend playing from an ipad on 3G that often but sometimes - needs must!
"there are things we do not know we don't know." - Someone must have been talking about MUD

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Joined: Apr 28, 2010
Posts: 155
Posted: 23-08-2013 01:16   
You should be ashamed for using an apple product.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 346
Posted: 23-08-2013 15:21   

On 23-08-2013 01:16, trollsmash wrote:
You should be ashamed for using an apple product.

Least it's not a potato product.

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Joined: Jan 23, 2002
Posts: 368
From: Somewhere you don't want to go!
Posted: 26-08-2013 10:26   

On 23-08-2013 15:21, Turrican wrote:

On 23-08-2013 01:16, trollsmash wrote:
You should be ashamed for using an apple product.

Least it's not a potato product.

I realise I use Facebook too much because I went looking for the LIKE button when I read this!

How 'bout them transparent dangling carrots? It's not fair to deny me, the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me. You otter know!!!

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Joined: Apr 28, 2010
Posts: 155
Posted: 04-09-2013 00:41   

I'm scared...

[ This Message was edited by: Trollsmash on 04-09-2013 12:23 ]

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