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MUDII Forum Index » » Films, TV and Music » » Hiking/Tramping
Author Hiking/Tramping

Joined: Aug 02, 2012
Posts: 148
Posted: 31-08-2014 19:42   

Now that I've finished the climb, its time for lunch .

[ This Message was edited by: Kaif on 31-08-2014 22:11 ]

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Joined: Apr 28, 2010
Posts: 155
Posted: 01-09-2014 16:12   
brought to you by 16 dead nepalese...

its a bit hard to understand the scale of things and the panorama at the top is vapid.

3/10 wouldnt climb again.

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Joined: Apr 28, 2010
Posts: 155
Posted: 01-09-2014 16:15   
Top of north mountain.
You are standing at the top of the north mountain, the highest point in all
The Land, and a magnificent view greets your eyes. Although the lower slopes
are shrouded in mist, you can see the sea and islands out to the west, areas
of pasture and forest to the south, and a castle further to the southeast,
beyond a glistening river. A tall pagoda thrusts upwards from woodland to the
east, but to the north lie only bleak, snow-covered, mountainous wastes.
Perhaps more your current concern, however, is the way down from here; the
only viable route is to the east, where begins a rocky scramble of dangerously
loose rocks.
Upon becoming the first to reach the summit, you are suddenly filled with a
marvellous rush of pride at the sheer achievement of it all.
(+50 = 45,665).

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