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MUDII Forum Index » » Account Questions » » Isn't it a little unfair...
Author Isn't it a little unfair...

Joined: Aug 31, 2001
Posts: 167
From: My chair
Posted: 13-05-2002 18:05   
That if you run out of money in a fight it counts as a sf?
Sure you could convinently time your attacks so that it exactly conincided with the time you lost money, but would it really be worth the effort?

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 13-05-2002 22:44   

On 13-05-2002 18:05, Theman wrote:
That if you run out of money in a fight it counts as a sf?
Sure you could convinently time your attacks so that it exactly conincided with the time you lost money, but would it really be worth the effort?

You get plenty of warnings leading up to running out of time. You shouldn't have any trouble finding a few minutes to either finish up or pay via the website - you can do this while you're in game.

I hope this helps,


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