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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » Running CLIO in Windows 7
Author Running CLIO in Windows 7

Joined: Dec 04, 2012
Posts: 238
From: Auckland, NZ
Posted: 08-07-2015 23:42   
OK - as several people have had trouble running CLIO under windows 7 I thought I'd summarise what I have done on my Windows 7 box to get it operational. There were several areas I had to look at and of course your own situation may be different again depending on whether your system is your personal one or one supplied to you by an employer who has set up the configuration of it in a different manner.

There were TWO main things I had to amend.
1) Permissions
my system was company supplied - and i do not know if this affected the install - however the folder that CLio was installed into - C:Program Files (x86)Clio MUD2 Client was only readable to my userid. To Check this you need to:

open windows explorer and look at C:\
select / click on C:Program Files (x86)
right click on the folder name (probably C:Program Files (x86)Clio MUD2 Client)
then select "Properties"
click on the "Security" tab
then make sure that either your id or a group that you belong to has "allow" ticked against all permissions.
If you change settings then click "apply"
You need to do this to allow you to edit the MUDII.co.uk.bat file or the clio.ini file. If you can not edit these files your editor will probably just open the file then beep annoyingly at you when you try to change it. Kaif reported having that issue. It may also affect the ability to create logs (which didn't work for me originally either).
2) Clio.exe properties
This is the one that probably affects everyone in the annoying "ickle' screen problem that Vulnax hates.
in the Clio folder there is a file called Clio.exe
right click on that and select "Properties" then click on the "Compatibility tab
there is a box called "run this program in compatibility mode for"
select either Windows NT4 service pack 5 or Windows XP service pack 3
Both of these worked for me - but try both - you may see a difference between them
Click apply

You may now try executing the mudii.co.uk.bat file - it may now be as you want it. I.E. running in a larger window with logging.

There was one other change I made which also affected the screen appearance
When you are running the program and are at any screen you can further change the screen size by doing the following:
Right click on the bar at the top of the screen that shows Clio - MUDii etc
click properties
change the "Window Size" options to a larger - or smaller size
Click OK
Nothing will appear to happen!
exit the program
Restart the program - and you should nwo see a larger screen
N.B. Alt enter still will not work - hence my reason to change the screen size.

Your mileage may vary - but give these steps a go - if it helps anyone then it was worth typing this up!

"there are things we do not know we don't know." - Someone must have been talking about MUD

[ This Message was edited by: kiwijock on 09-07-2015 00:16 ]

[ This Message was edited by: kiwijock on 09-07-2015 02:25 ]

[ This Message was edited by: kiwijock on 09-07-2015 08:38 ]

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Joined: Aug 02, 2012
Posts: 148
Posted: 09-07-2015 01:39   

2) Clio.exe properties
This is the one that probably affects everyone in the annoying "ickle' screen problem that Vulnax hates.
in the Clio folder there is a file called Clio.exe

In the Clio folder in the program files (x86), the index looks like this (without the icons):

British Legends
Clio (the black square with the yellow clio)
? Clio
Clio (to edit the function keys)
Clio (some sort of shortcut arrow)

In the folder under programs (which I use to log on - called Clio MUD2 Client), the sub-index looks like this:

? Clio help
Clio Webpage
Connect to British Legends
Connect to MUD2.com
Connect to MUDii.co.uk
Define Function Keys
Uninstall Clio

The point of all of the above is that I don't see a Clio.exe file anywhere. Erm, where is it?

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Joined: Dec 04, 2012
Posts: 238
From: Auckland, NZ
Posted: 09-07-2015 02:17   
the clio black square with yellow writing is the .exe
"there are things we do not know we don't know." - Someone must have been talking about MUD

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Joined: Dec 04, 2012
Posts: 238
From: Auckland, NZ
Posted: 09-07-2015 02:23   
"there are things we do not know we don't know." - Someone must have been talking about MUD

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Joined: Aug 02, 2012
Posts: 148
Posted: 21-07-2015 05:52   
Now I've done it. It won't open at all anymore (time to get some work done ).

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