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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » Get early access to new mudiiclient features!
Author Get early access to new mudiiclient features!

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 13-08-2015 07:05   
I'm developing a number of new features for the mudiiclient and I need one or two folks to try them out for me and give me feedback.

These are features that I think are great. I want you to try them to and tell me how they can be improved. You'll get early access to them by going for this!

Ways you can sign up:
* mudmail "havok"
* email me if you know my email address
* leave your email address here if you dare

I'm planning a release and an exposé of the new features in Muddled Times so this could mean weeks of early access! First come first served!


[ This Message was edited by: Havoc on 13-08-2015 07:07 ]

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