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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » v1.4.1 usability improvements for opening mausoleum tombs
Author v1.4.1 usability improvements for opening mausoleum tombs

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 14-09-2015 05:35   
Usability improvements. Here's the release notes:


Fixed corner cases to triggers and sensing mausoleum puzzles. It's now very robust.
Improved usability of opening mausoleum tombs. You can now hit enter instead of needing to hit a space. E.g. "op n"<enter> instead of "op n"<space><enter>.

For downloading:

See here: https://github.com/curious-attempt-bunny/mudiiclient

All you need to do (assuming you have java installed) is to follow the Getting Started instructions: https://github.com/curious-attempt-bunny/mudiiclient#getting-setup (not the building it yourself instructions).


[ This Message was edited by: Havoc on 14-09-2015 05:47 ]

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Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 14-09-2015 05:41   

The way it works is that it notices each time you open a mausoleum tomb, and then each time you see that same puzzle on a closed tomb it creates what I'm calling an "expansion macro". This is best explained with an example. Here it's seen me answer: Written on the west tomb is: "5256 6958 8994 11394 14188 ?" before. So now when it sees it again it has the answer ready for when I enter "op w":

Now when I hit enter (or press any key) it converts "op w" to "op <the answer from before>". E.g.:

Sweet, huh?!

For the curious the way this works under the hood is that trigger text will assign an expansion macro a value. This is stored in the config.txt like so:

<entry key="trigger|5256 6958 8994 11394 14188 ?">op w |op "<the answer></entry>

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