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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » v1.5.0 has trigger support
Author v1.5.0 has trigger support

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 19-09-2015 18:57   
For better or for worse I've added trigger support in v1.5.0. This is best explained with an example. Here are the entries in config.txt (you add them manually for now):

<entry key="trigger|There is a golden statue here with green eyes.">ql</entry>
<entry key="trigger|There is a golden statue here with yellow eyes.">ql</entry>
<entry key="trigger|There is a golden statue here with blue eyes.">ql</entry>

This has the result of automatically sending "ql" when you encounter the golden statue and it's eyes are green, yellow, or blue:

In front of hut.
There is a golden statue here with green eyes.
In front of hut.
There is a golden statue here with yellow eyes.
In front of hut.
There is a golden statue here with yellow eyes.
In front of hut.
There is a golden statue here with green eyes.
In front of hut.
There is a golden statue here with emerald eyes.



For downloading:

See here: https://github.com/curious-attempt-bunny/mudiiclient

All you need to do (assuming you have java installed) is to follow the Getting Started instructions: https://github.com/curious-attempt-bunny/mudiiclient#getting-setup (not the building it yourself instructions).


[ This Message was edited by: Havoc on 20-09-2015 02:31 ]

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Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 19-09-2015 19:04   
PS You can kill yourself using triggers. There's nothing to stop you from spamming commands with triggers. No protections at all. See? I warned you!

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Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 19-09-2015 19:13   
Release notes here:


Added triggers. Receiving trigger text will now automatically send a specified command. To use this manually edit the config.txt file. See forum post.
Added the version of the app that recorded the log file to the HTML log file. This will make it easier to manage changes in the format over time.


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