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MUDII Forum Index » » General Chat » » Having a great time, wish you were here
Author Having a great time, wish you were here

Joined: Feb 06, 2022
Posts: 1
Posted: 14-02-2022 23:02   

I discovered MUD2 a week or so ago, and I'm having a lot of fun figuring things out.

Since the Java-based option for playing in a browser doesn't work anymore, I made a new page for that over on glitch (in case you don't have a client handy):

I also collected all of the maps of The Land I could find and put them on one web page for easy reference:

I'm still very much a "lowlife" but it's a great game. Thanks to whoever is keeping it running!

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 274
Posted: 27-02-2022 14:55   

On 14-02-2022 23:02, stet wrote:

I discovered MUD2 a week or so ago, and I'm having a lot of fun figuring things out.

Since the Java-based option for playing in a browser doesn't work anymore, I made a new page for that over on glitch (in case you don't have a client handy):

I also collected all of the maps of The Land I could find and put them on one web page for easy reference:

I'm still very much a "lowlife" but it's a great game. Thanks to whoever is keeping it running!

Thanks. Things have quieted down quite a bit from MUDii's heyday, but it's good to see some people playing and even discovering it for the first time.

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Joined: Oct 31, 2001
Posts: 547
From: I can't remember!
Posted: 31-03-2022 22:51   
Wow, welcome aboard! A new explorer in The Land!

[ This Message was edited by: Heiach on 10-04-2022 20:53 ]

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
Posts: 648
From: North West
Posted: 11-11-2022 00:27   
I was looking to come back for a bit but all my account personae have gone!

Ohh well, 10 years off is a while, I know the FQs sat 1 year and you are gone!

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 274
Posted: 15-11-2022 14:42   

On 11-11-2022 00:27, Vulnax wrote:
I was looking to come back for a bit but all my account personae have gone!

Ohh well, 10 years off is a while, I know the FQs sat 1 year and you are gone!

It happens, I suppose. I guess the fact that I kept logging in occasionally kept it from happening to me, even though I took some hiatuses.

I'm not sure how long it takes for it to happen, though. I'm not sure who does.

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Joined: Jan 07, 2023
Posts: 2
Posted: 07-01-2023 07:25   
I left MUI for 5 years and unfortunately my account disappeared too

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Joined: Jan 09, 2023
Posts: 2
Posted: 09-01-2023 06:40   

I found out about it today, I think I'll have fun too

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