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MUDII Forum Index » » Websites » » October's Muddled Times
Author October's Muddled Times

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 15-09-2002 17:10   
The deadline for articles for the next issue of Muddled Times is Saturday 28th September.

Send your articles, letters and so on to editor@muddled=times.com

The current and previous issues of Muddled Times can be found at http://www.muddled-times.com

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 29-09-2002 13:56   
For those who said they want to contribute to the next edition please try and get your articles to me by 6pm Monday.

Whilst I'm here I'll address a couple of points brought up in the Feedback Forms over the last few months.

A number of you mentioned the number of wizzes being interviewed and you considered it to be too many. I have always tried to alternate mortal with wiz, but I'll skip interviewing wizzes for a number of issues. Which mortals would you like to see being interviewed?

The following is from a Feedback Form:

A suggestion, any way to link
the articles to a reply onto
forums... so we can start a
discussion on the comments in
the mag... or should we just start
a new topic with the mag title

What do you think? Should all articles have a link to a new thread on the forums here, or just the more emotive and controversial ones? Or should it be left to the author or an interested reader to start one?

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 02-10-2002 08:27   
It's now out at www.muddled-times.com

Pleae fill in the feedback forms when you've finished!

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