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MUDII Forum Index » » Account Questions » » if i wanted to pay.....
Author if i wanted to pay.....

Joined: Nov 04, 2002
Posts: 6
From: United States.. Charleston, S.C.
Posted: 04-11-2002 04:29   
Im in the US. If I wanted to pay to play how would I do it? ive been a member for about a half hour. thats how much play time i have in.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 04-11-2002 08:38   

Welcome to the game. If you want to pay be credit or debit card, it's very easy - just log onto the site and you can pay securely online.

Prices are quoted in UK pounds, but when you get through to the Worldpay page, you can opt to pay in dollars. There are about 1.58 US dollars to the pound at the moment.

If you can't pay by card, drop me an e-mail and I'll see what we can do.


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Joined: Nov 04, 2002
Posts: 6
From: United States.. Charleston, S.C.
Posted: 28-11-2002 03:55   

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Joined: Nov 04, 2002
Posts: 6
From: United States.. Charleston, S.C.
Posted: 28-11-2002 03:58   
Ok I am hooked , I dont get to play very often But I sure do enjoy it ! I pay when I run out of free time! thankyou for the info! It took me this long to figure out how to find my post. Its not like it is a hot topic or anything

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