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MUDII Forum Index » » House News » » when does everyone play?
Author when does everyone play?

Joined: Nov 04, 2002
Posts: 6
From: United States.. Charleston, S.C.
Posted: 28-11-2002 04:29   
I usually walk in when noone is playing and a reset is about to happen ...... I want playmates.... I did walk in once and everyone must have been here cause I got shot immediatly and kissed twice! how fun is that. Im really new at this. What is a house?
Im gonna go play with myself in the mudworld now.

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Joined: Sep 16, 2001
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From: Llanelli
Posted: 01-12-2002 20:23   
It varies..sometimes mud is empty for days..DAYS!! and then suddenly the reset is full..just chill out and learn about the game and enjoy the peace. Houses are like..well..i dont know..clubs which people join and you can talk to everyone in the house at the same time..


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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 05-12-2002 08:25   

A good time to play when there's usually lots of other people on is 9pm - midnight on Thursdays. I think that is 4-7pm your time. That's when we have event night. (Look at the Event Calendar for listings of events.)

Also another popular time is early Sunday evenings - around 6pmish (1pm for you).

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Joined: Nov 04, 2002
Posts: 6
From: United States.. Charleston, S.C.
Posted: 10-12-2002 21:21   

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