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MUDII Forum Index » » Account Questions » » death by... dropped phone line??
Author death by... dropped phone line??

Joined: Jan 19, 2003
Posts: 1
Posted: 19-01-2003 03:06   
I'm probably being cheeky here, but I was finishing up in the keep today when the old phone line got disconnected in it's usual, unpredictable fashion. I had just finished the maiden but she had summoned several crows as usual - but i had 3 wfs and about 50 health so I thought things would be fine... So anyway the phone line drops and as I can no longer control my actions the crows murder me while I try to reconnect (failing a few times!).

I know you probably don't do this but I thought I'd give it a go as I don't play the game much, and am less likely to now I have to rack up 22k (approx) again to get back to where I was... So would a little reviving of Chopin the sorceror be possible?

Thanks for listening! Jon/Chopin

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Joined: Sep 12, 2001
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Posted: 19-01-2003 07:18   
The best chance you have of restoring your persona is to mud-mail Foddy explaining what happened.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 19-01-2003 11:51   

On 19-01-2003 03:06, Jon wrote:
So would a little reviving of Chopin the sorceror be possible?

Mudmail me with the details (preferably including the reset number) and I'll look into it.


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Joined: Sep 16, 2001
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From: Llanelli
Posted: 12-05-2003 20:38   
Did you restore him?

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