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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » mud 4 mortals follow-up client..
Author mud 4 mortals follow-up client..

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 14-06-2003 23:08   
..called simply "the mud2pj".

It's in the beta stages, and needs the java runtime (see below).

Get it from: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~merlyn/mud2pj/06c.zip
(see below for details)

[ This Message was edited by: Malbery on 16-06-2003 14:05 ]

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Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 14-06-2003 23:08   
Here's the readme.txt that comes with the zip:


The mud2pj (up to date for version 0.6b)
maintained by Merlyn Albery aka Havoc / Hamster.

NOTE Before you try this out an get flustered. You need to have Java installed on your computer. This means either the Java Runtime or Java SDK. I have my version of java on the path, and this is what it says:

C:>java -version
java version "1.4.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0-b92)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode)


This client is a loose follow-up on the old MUD for Mortals client. Except this time there are some features in there that are mostly for wizzes. I won't go into those features here.

Ok, I'll start with the short-comings. This client is currently in beta. So I'm hoping your feedback will add to this list of problems:

1. scrolling back doesn't work!
3. the ALT binding is annoying because of ALT TAB
4. you can't select text and copy it into the clipboard!
5. no ANSI support!
6. there's a surplus splitter bar wasting space!
7. I can't close a snoop window once it's opened.
8. wiz coloured prefixes show up as white (in fact hawumph turns the standard text red..)

Ok, now on to the good stuff:

1. you can create a new prompt / toggle between prompts by pressing ALT
2. reading the chart will make the TAB function key do them (forwards and reverse) .. the TAB function shows up after the name of the location inside {} brackets.
3. you can assign your own TAB functions to locations. See the shortcuts.txt
4. you can make the client highlight important objects in lists. See the highlight.txt
5. your score will be automatically charted over time. It will appear in the top right of your screen.
6. when you snoop, the text will be filtered off into a seperate window!

there's also other stuff, which you may or may not take for granted.

Explict list of keyboard mappings:

ENTER sends the current prompt, keeping it in the buffer and selected (just type over it if you don't want to repeat it)
ESC clears the current prompt
UPARROW previous command in the history
DOWNARROW next command in the history
PAGEUP scroll a page's worth up (not working)
PAGEDOWN scroll a page's worth down (not working)
TAB put the text in {} brackets onto the current prompt
CTRL L as UPARROW followed by ENTER


[ This Message was edited by: Malbery on 16-06-2003 14:05 ]

[ This Message was edited by: malbery on 17-08-2004 16:54 ]

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Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 15-06-2003 00:20   
Important. This client is not going to work without java. Try this command under DOS:

dir java.exe /s

This is where my java runtime was installed to:

C:\>dir java.exe /s
Volume in drive C is W2KMAIN
Volume Serial Number is 240E-AE79

Directory of C:\WINNT\system32

07/02/2002 12:52 24,649 java.exe
1 File(s) 24,649 bytes


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Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 16-06-2003 13:52   
Need java? Get the smallest version from Sun. It's java runtime version 1.3.1:


You want to follow the link:

"Windows (U.S. English only)" download: "JRE"

The filesize is 5.2Mb. Over DSL is took just under a minute to download (not sure if everyone will get 89K/s though).


[ This Message was edited by: Malbery on 16-06-2003 14:47 ]

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Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 16-06-2003 14:04   
Newest version (0.6c) is backward compatible with java 1.2.2. (although I recommend versions 1.3.1 and up)

Get version 0.6c here:

Changes (from changes.txt):


code speedups
java v1.2.2 backward compatibility
fix graphics glitches when repainting portions of the display


[ This Message was edited by: Malbery on 16-06-2003 14:48 ]

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