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MUDII Forum Index » » General Technical Questions » » Another BB bug (sorry foddy :E) v2.0
Author Another BB bug (sorry foddy :E) v2.0

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 134
From: Liverpool
Posted: 01-09-2001 16:28   
On the General chat, djs spam post is at the bottom, when it was the one updated most recently. Could it be the date doing this?

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 01-09-2001 22:01   

On 01-09-2001 16:28, Eric wrote:
On the General chat, djs spam post is at the bottom, when it was the one updated most recently. Could it be the date doing this?


Yet another bit of shoddy coding - the times are stored in the database as varchars instead of datetime or timestamps. Someone asked me to change the date formats from Y-m-d to d-m-Y ... which caused this problem.

I've put an extra field in the topics table and sorted on that, so all should be well (hacked) now.

I also spotted another security bug. The sooner I dump phpBB1, the better.

Thanks for pointing it out,


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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 01-09-2001 22:12   

I also spotted another security bug. The sooner I dump phpBB1, the better.

I should point out that this bug doesn't affect us - it would only be a security hole if we were using a different database.

The forum database user is also restricted to accessing the phpBB database, so even if it was a problem, the administration database would remain safe.

I hope this makes sense,


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Joined: Aug 31, 2001
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Posted: 02-09-2001 12:54   
Umm...ehh..well as long as you understand then I'm happy...

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Joined: Sep 12, 2001
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Posted: 17-09-2001 08:24   
What database do you use, mySql?

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 18-09-2001 21:19   

On 17-09-2001 08:24, Marmite wrote:
What database do you use, mySql?

Yup, phpbb only works with mySql, it seems. It's not a problem, it's just shoddy code.


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