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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » Clio Version 1.8 Released.
Author Clio Version 1.8 Released.

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 28
From: 55.9493N, 3.1617W.
Posted: 11-01-2004 00:11   
Clio version 1.8 is now available from http://www.wabe.org.uk/clio/.

This version is just to clear up a few little problems. See the changes.txt file on the web page for a list of what's new in this version.


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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
Posts: 648
From: North West
Posted: 01-11-2007 10:58   
Using Clio 1.8 on Vista - the window opens small but won't go to full sceeen on ALT RETURN.

Messing with window properties in compatibilty menu ?? does something but it's not right.

Any suggested settings to have Clio work as it does under XP etc.?


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Joined: Mar 27, 2005
Posts: 160
Posted: 01-11-2007 12:43   
From my vast technical experience in the field of computing the problem is easily rectified.

Get rid of Vista!

Problem solved


[ This Message was edited by: Magician on 01-11-2007 12:44 ]

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
Posts: 648
From: North West
Posted: 01-11-2007 13:40   

Think we chatted over this one last week 007!

I'll see if Tabitha can answer it ...

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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From: 55.9493N, 3.1617W.
Posted: 01-11-2007 17:35   
It appears that the Vista device drivers do not support full screen mode for dos applications.


You may be able to use a dos emulator such as DOSBox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DOSBox), or use VirtualPc or similar with XP to run Clio in full screen mode.

I don't have access to a Vista system at the moment to try this myself, so you'll need to do a little experimentation yourself.


[ This Message was edited by: on 01-11-2007 17:37 ]

[ This Message was edited by: on 01-11-2007 17:39 ]

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Joined: Sep 16, 2001
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From: Llanelli
Posted: 07-11-2007 22:59   
Yeah. Ill get rid of Vista and install Windows 3.1

Vista is the future.


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