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MUDII Forum Index » » Films, TV and Music » » The Mummy -vs- The Mummy Returns
Author The Mummy -vs- The Mummy Returns

Joined: Aug 23, 2001
Posts: 76
From: Newcastle upon Tyne
Posted: 23-09-2001 20:06   
Which of these films (if you've seen both) did you think was better?

Graphically, the 2nd film was better with the film showing even more grotesque bits (remember the bit were the beetles crawl out the ground at a dig and eat their way through the workers/slaves?)

The 1st film had a better plot and wasn't as far fetched as the 2nd film.

The comedy value in the 2nd film was wicked as the sarcasm just went straight through me - classic Seamus style

Of course, The Rock, great wrestler, shame all he had to say during his 10-15 minutes of fame was: arrrrrrrrrrrrgh!!!


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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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From: Liverpool
Posted: 24-09-2001 22:56   
The second had the Rock in.

So that makes the first better doesn't it?

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Joined: Aug 31, 2001
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From: My chair
Posted: 27-09-2001 09:15   
I have seen neither but following the basic laws of film production the first had the better plot and the second went to extreme realms to recover the plot from the first one because it had such a happy ending.

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Joined: Sep 25, 2001
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From: The Depths of Hell
Posted: 27-09-2001 16:26   
i have seen both i liked them(i think) they both were ok films the first one only really if you like egyption themes and i suppose for the second one aswell...

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Joined: Sep 02, 2001
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From: Wolverhampton
Posted: 21-02-2002 11:43   
i thought the fact that the Rock was CGI when he was the monster scorpion thing was a bit pants.

Surely they could have bred a giant scorpion and cut of the Rock's legs and glue him to it? <joke>

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Joined: Nov 27, 2001
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Posted: 15-04-2002 15:28   
my god they were both awful...and now theres THE SCORPON KING!!!! <faints>

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Joined: Oct 31, 2001
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From: I can't remember!
Posted: 29-04-2002 22:16   
That one might be ok....

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