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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » MUD2Client version (1.2c) - * Updated to v1.2g *
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Author MUD2Client version (1.2c) - * Updated to v1.2g *

Joined: Mar 13, 2008
Posts: 46
Posted: 28-07-2008 16:32   


On 28-07-2008 07:37, ewarwoowar wrote:
Hi Samson,

Yes I have (although I can't get the link you've given to work).

I'm not saying that I don't like it or any of the other clients I've tried, rather I want to take a look at as many of the available clients as I can.

The MUD2 client looks impressive and I would like to try it out but the links are all broken, hence my request.


I've just checked the link to havoks client and it works fine . Make sure you do right click , save as .

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Joined: Jul 21, 2008
Posts: 40
From: West Sussex
Posted: 28-07-2008 17:15   
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but all I get is an XML document.

I'm using IE6 and when I right-click on the link, I click on 'Save Target As...' and is saves as mudiiclient.xml.

If I just click omn the link directly, I get a page of XML.

Any ideas?


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Joined: Jul 21, 2008
Posts: 40
From: West Sussex
Posted: 28-07-2008 17:21   

I changed the suffix of the saved file from .xml to .jnlp and then double-clicked on that.

Works a treat!


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Joined: May 17, 2004
Posts: 16
Posted: 13-08-2008 22:11   
In the interest of changing the subject of my thread back to what it originally was, I fixed the download file permissions...

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Joined: Apr 04, 2007
Posts: 1
Posted: 22-05-2009 11:58   
Please can anyone tell me how I can get sound, I am useing Mud2 client v1.3e. I have installed dirrectx 9, am i doing something wrong?

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