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MUDII Forum Index » » House News » » ERM is back
Author ERM is back

Joined: Jul 07, 2003
Posts: 236
From: England
Posted: 09-12-2004 01:37   
Hey guy's ERM has been dead as a door nail for a few year's now but just last week me and Pandora gave it life again.

We need as many people as possible to join the house, so we can have house bashs, house sorc wars and house events the list goes and on.

So if you are interested just MUDMAIL Morgana on what time of day you are going to be in and i will admit you into ERM if im not around that day Here is a list of the captains:
Owner: Pandora
Senior captain: Morgana
Captains, Zalagar,crobar,wench and crobar, so if i am not around and these people are they will admit you into ERM.

There is a main house rule that all the house members my obide by and that is not and i repeat NOT to attack your fellow house mates attack any MA member's if you like but not your own.

But over than that have fun all and i hope that you do join ERM.

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Joined: Jul 07, 2003
Posts: 236
From: England
Posted: 09-12-2004 01:39   
Whoops i said crobar twice.....silly me

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Joined: Oct 31, 2001
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From: I can't remember!
Posted: 16-09-2005 21:37   
Attack MA members? Fine!
To all MA members, attack ERM members!!

(I'm joking btw)

- Heiach

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Joined: Nov 20, 2006
Posts: 532
Posted: 15-09-2007 12:33   
So, its a war they want is it?

So be it. Death to all ERM members!!

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Joined: Oct 31, 2001
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From: I can't remember!
Posted: 18-09-2007 13:38   
Check the dates dude .

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 03-10-2007 00:40   
But YOU suggested war Hei, back in 2005 !

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 274
Posted: 03-10-2007 14:44   
Personally, I don't really see the need for a 'house war'. Also, is ERM active now anyway?

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Joined: Nov 20, 2006
Posts: 532
Posted: 03-10-2007 16:06   
I guess I didn't make the fact that I was joking obvious enough.

So: I was joking. There will be no ERM vs MA war

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