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MUDII Forum Index » » Websites » » Trying to think of a different subject
Author Trying to think of a different subject

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 03-05-2005 11:40   
And can't someone else start a thread here!

Anyway, there will be a new issue of Muddled Times out next month so please get your letters, persona pictures, articles and logs to me by the end of the month please. Send them to karya@muddled-times.com.

Also, can someone write up the Easter Bunny event please?

Crowley - will you be doing that interview I mentioned?

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
Posts: 421
From: Birmingham
Posted: 04-05-2005 09:17   
Oh right! Yes ma'am! I will get right to it!
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
Posts: 421
From: Birmingham
Posted: 21-05-2005 12:06   
I tried! I really tried! But the useless idiot subscribed to AOL, and now has no internet.

Did I say idiot? I mean intelligence-challenged immortal...
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 22-05-2005 16:38   
Damn ...

Any other likely contenders?

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
Posts: 421
From: Birmingham
Posted: 23-05-2005 01:04   
Laura, but she won't give me a time...
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
Posts: 274
Posted: 19-07-2005 17:01   
I can't believe I missed this subject.

Anyway, I don't know if I'll be accepting an interview or not. I'd need both the right time and a reliable connection.


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