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Author Doctor Who

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 199
Posted: 03-05-2005 11:44   
So what does everyone think of the new Doctor Who? I'm quite enjoying it. My favourite doctor was Peter Davidson, I didn't like any of the doctors after him. This current guy is ok.

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Joined: Jan 23, 2002
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From: Somewhere you don't want to go!
Posted: 03-05-2005 13:13   
I kind of miss the cliff hanger approach and serialisation, although the effects and stories have so far been excellent, it just lacks something.

Oh and that dalek, aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhh!!!!!! Excellent looking, could manage stairs, shields, it had everything. Oh except attitude! A dalek should exterminate not feel sorry for itself or anyone else.

How 'bout them transparent dangling carrots? It's not fair to deny me, the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me. You otter know!!!

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 03-05-2005 13:41   
Oh I don't know, I enjoyed that episode! I can see that if you're a die-hard Dr Who fan then that 'new-man' approach to daleks wasn't going to please.

Has anyone else noticed how there's more focus on the Doctor's assistant than there is on him. Can't remember her name, the girl played by Billie Piper (who incidently I think is doing a good job!).

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Joined: Jan 23, 2002
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From: Somewhere you don't want to go!
Posted: 03-05-2005 18:01   
Rose Tyler (rushes away blushing about how he got sussed as a die hard Dr. Who fan).

Mind you Sylvester McCoy, nuff said, he was the worst!

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Birmingham
Posted: 04-05-2005 09:15   
Oh, I dunno. As I grew up with Sylvester McCoy, I have a warm liking for him... contrary to the rest of the world.

Plus, McCoy's Dalek episode was about 10,000x better than Eccleston's.

*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 04-05-2005 11:10   
I'm with Hawumph on this one, I did not like Sylvester McCoy one bit! I missed that dalek episode though.

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Birmingham
Posted: 04-05-2005 11:28   
I think most of my liking is down to me fancyin g Ace though.
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 04-05-2005 11:38   
argh, Ace?? Seriously?

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Birmingham
Posted: 04-05-2005 13:19   

On 04-05-2005 11:38, Karya wrote:
argh, Ace?? Seriously?

I know! Isn't it shocking. I can only blame teenage hormones for my lasting affection. She does kids TV now.
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Sep 11, 2004
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Posted: 04-05-2005 16:06   
Wasn't she (Ace) in Lovejoy or some such? Playing the girliefriend of the youngish chap with the big nose...

(Rushes away as well in acute embarrassment..)

Vor..erm...I mean...anon...mutter

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Birmingham
Posted: 09-05-2005 12:21   
Saturday's was great! Simon Pegg is simply a god among men! And it had Tamsin Grieg Brilliant!
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 22-05-2005 16:37   
Isn't it about time they stopped focusing the episodes on Rose? Having said that I haven't watched last night's yet.

I brought up Ace in a conversation about Doctor Who the other day with friends. But apparently Bonnie Langford wins the award for the most annoying assistant. How could I forget her ...

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
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From: Birmingham
Posted: 25-05-2005 20:59   

Ooohhh muuuuummmmmmy

Are you my mummy?
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Sep 11, 2004
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Posted: 29-05-2005 13:33   
OK, enough already with the Doctor Who...

<is bitter and twisted as she hasn't seen a single episode as weekends are her nights to put the sprog to bed..>


Saw about 1 mins worth of the gas mask (part 1) said "That looks creepy" and received an engrossed "Mmmm" with a vague waving away motion...

Vor (waiting for money to buy the dvd..anyone want AVON?) dai

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 07-08-2009 00:40   

You could always re-launch this topic when the new Dr. Who starts early 2010!
After 2 more specials.....

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Joined: Mar 05, 2002
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Posted: 10-10-2018 19:46   

On 07-08-2009 00:40, Vulnax wrote:

You could always re-launch this topic when the new Dr. Who starts early 2010!
After 2 more specials.....

Of course now we've got another new Doctor Who. 'The Woman Who Fell to Earth', featuring Jodie Whitaker, did what it was supposed to do: Introduce the new Doctor, and new companions. The story with the alien hunter was all right, but it was the character moments that were the best parts.

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