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MUDII Forum Index » » Websites » » Five Years and Still Going
Author Five Years and Still Going

Joined: May 28, 2005
Posts: 156
Posted: 04-08-2005 23:40   
Muddled Times is now 5 years old! To celebrate Muddled Times has received a make-over. To view the latest issue go here.

Included in this issue are the results and the breakdown of the scores for the Land Design competition and more persona pictures for you to vote on.

Will Muddled Times carry on for another 5 years? Only if you keep contributing articles, letters, images and ideas.

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Joined: Jan 23, 2002
Posts: 368
From: Somewhere you don't want to go!
Posted: 05-08-2005 09:38   
As always, another masterpiece.

A really nice job Karya, and happy birthday Muddled Times!

How 'bout them transparent dangling carrots? It's not fair to deny me, the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me. You otter know!!!

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
Posts: 421
From: Birmingham
Posted: 05-08-2005 10:55   
It's looking great!
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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Joined: Dec 16, 2001
Posts: 52
Posted: 06-08-2005 21:36   
Ooh, a makeover! Tis very pretty, and another very interesting issue too!

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Joined: Aug 21, 2001
Posts: 61
From: London
Posted: 08-08-2005 11:10   
An excellent read..well done all.

I particularly liked the article on wizards and witches.

I had forgotten I had winged about the term witch as being unisex. I had, sad creature as I am, looked up witch in the Concise Oxford dictionary fifth edition 1964 (maybe time to get a newer edition)and it stated:

"witch, n, & v.t. !. Woman or (now rarely) man practicing sorcery...

I happily accept that Mud2 is not real but a Bartle et al creation. Also the word has changed in the western world its unisex flexibility as illustrated by Richards example re a class of 7 year olds drawing a witch or wizard.

Its just makes me a little sad that the old use of words can get lost or modified through the passage of time... but that is the real world.



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