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MUDII Forum Index » » Websites » » Muddled Times
Author Muddled Times

Joined: May 28, 2005
Posts: 156
Posted: 27-01-2006 07:25   
Some of you may be wondering what's happened to Muddled Times (or maybe not, the response to the survey wasn't exactly enthusiastic ...). Its extreme lateness is in part down to a lack of articles and in part down to me being very, very busy organising my forthcoming wedding. I do now have enough articles and I hoped I'd get it out before the wedding but I never predicted how much time and energy a wedding took up!

Therefore, I'm very sorry, but Muddled Times will have to wait until I return from my honeymoon.

By then, I'll have a lot more time on my hands so I can throw myself back into Muddled Times, MUD and all the other things that have been left by the wayside for the past 3 years.


PS. The wedding planning didn't take 3 years btw!! Before that it was an MBA.

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Joined: Apr 14, 2003
Posts: 421
From: Birmingham
Posted: 29-01-2006 09:54   
Did I write anything? I don't think I did! I suck! Have a great honeymoon!
*Fiz the necromancess says "I've been advised by everyone in the game to ignore you, Crowley".

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