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MUDII Forum Index » » Websites » » A long awaited issue of Muddled Times!
Author A long awaited issue of Muddled Times!

Joined: May 28, 2005
Posts: 156
Posted: 04-06-2006 22:24   
The latest issue of Muddled Times is now live. You can read it here.

On a slightly related note - Crowley & Theman, did you get my e-mail?

[ This Message was edited by: Karya on 04-06-2006 22:34 ]

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Joined: Aug 31, 2001
Posts: 167
From: My chair
Posted: 14-08-2006 18:48   
This is much delayed. My e-mail is horribly unrealiable, I did reply (eventually!). But am unclear if it reached you or not.

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Joined: May 28, 2005
Posts: 156
Posted: 16-08-2006 14:04   
I did receive your e-mail, and I replied back to it although it sounds like you didn't receive my reply ...

Basically my reply said thanks and that I've forwarded your article onto Heiach (who has since returned it complete with HTML tags).

Keep the articles and logs coming in everyone.

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