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MUDII Forum Index » » Websites » » mudii.co.uk home page Safari problem
Author mudii.co.uk home page Safari problem

Joined: Feb 16, 2003
Posts: 360
From: portland, oregon, usa
Posted: 23-12-2006 18:51   

I'm at a friends house and they have an iBook with Safari 1.1.1 (v100.1). The problem is that the main content of the page ends up squashed into the right hand side panel.

Sorry, I can't provide a screenshot because I don't know Mac OS X very well.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 04-01-2007 23:15   

On 23-12-2006 18:51, Malbery wrote:
I'm at a friends house and they have an iBook with Safari 1.1.1 (v100.1). The problem is that the main content of the page ends up squashed into the right hand side panel.

I've not got a Mac, so it's hard to test things quickly - I'll run it through browsercam to see, though.

Thanks for the tip!

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