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MUDII Forum Index » » Game Suggestions » » The great syn thread :)
Author The great syn thread :)

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 134
From: Liverpool
Posted: 15-10-2001 00:02   
Okay. I would love to see mandrake synned as "md". Root means you could pick up other items with a g root command.

Also, can you make ii as a syn for "mage"?

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 15-10-2001 16:00   

On 15-10-2001 00:02, Eric wrote:
Okay. I would love to see mandrake synned as "md". Root means you could pick up other items with a g root command.

I'm willing to make changes such as these to the "local" configuration (i.e. just for our site) if they're sensible enough.

This does mean that the names wouldn't be official, though - they wouldn't work on another mud2 site, and if Richard ever needs to use the name for something else, I'll have to remove the syn then.

Of course, you should also SUGGEST them too, and then hopefully they'll then be included into the official code in the next release.


Also, can you make ii as a syn for "mage"?

Heh, nice try!


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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 19-11-2001 23:58   
Gosh he IS lazy!

Can't you do a syn your self for the item / level / player...


Or have I misunderstood the conversation...

I'll get my coat


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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 134
From: Liverpool
Posted: 20-11-2001 00:48   
You can do the syn yourself, yeah, but for things that people get often, it's nice to not have to pause and type

*syn blahblah as "blah"

Especially if you're in the middle of the kit rush.

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