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MUDII Forum Index » » MUD2 Clients » » Website MUD client problem
Author Website MUD client problem

Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 138
Posted: 04-06-2007 21:49   
A couple of players have had problems with the new website client where -[FES-] messages are visible.

This appears to be a problem linked to certain accounts. If it happens with you, send me a mail and I'll recreate your account, which seems to fix the problem.


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Joined: Apr 28, 2010
Posts: 155
Posted: 24-07-2012 20:28   
I've spotted an annoying issue which might be a turn off for newcomers.

This happens if I leave the client window idle for a while or minimize/maximize/resize the window. The login box pops back up and stays there even if you are still connected to the game. I'm using the latest version of java and firefox 13, haven't tried it on chrome yet :)

[ This Message was edited by: trollsmash on 24-07-2012 21:07 ]

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