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Music to Mudii with.. |
Gothik cabalist
 Joined: Aug 21, 2001 Posts: 61 From: London
| Posted: 19-10-2001 13:26  
Does anyone else listen to music whilst playing mudii, if so what artists, and does it change the way you play. Am thinking of putting together a compilation that would fit my ideal set of 107mins, ...although most of the time a 4 min irish jig would be more appropriate. I think mine would have to contain some of the following.
Start of set: The right of Spring/stravinki
A race for rats to die/placebo
riders on the storm /doors
Careful with that axe eugene /pink floyd
treasure gathering:Enigma
Those pk moments: slayer/ fear factory/gangster rap
puzzle solving: Tangerine dream
and somewhere unexpectedly ac/dc with hells bells.
Eric cleric
 Joined: Aug 19, 2001 Posts: 134 From: Liverpool
| Posted: 20-10-2001 10:37  
The Benny Hill music would suit my set just fine.
Would be amazing for the set rush 
Tabitha pilgrim
 Joined: Aug 19, 2001 Posts: 28 From: 55.9493N, 3.1617W.
| Posted: 20-10-2001 11:18  
On 20-10-2001 10:37, Eric wrote:
The Benny Hill music would suit my set just fine.
It's called "Yakety Sax", I believe, should you be desperate to find a copy.
Actually, MUD2 already does send out codes to clients to let them play different background music when you are in different areas of The Land - the Captain Pugwash music when you go out to sea, "Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho" when you go dwarf bashing, etc - so it shouldn't be impossible to trigger it all automatically, if you were mad enough.
Eric cleric
 Joined: Aug 19, 2001 Posts: 134 From: Liverpool
| Posted: 22-10-2001 23:30  
<eagerly awaits the newest version of Clio, complete with benny hill music, dwarf songs and captain pugwash>

Zalagar pioneer
 Joined: Mar 05, 2002 Posts: 288 | Posted: 05-03-2002 19:31  
Personally, I rarely actually listen to music when playing MUD2, and when I do, they're MIDIs of video game music (for example, a 'boss battle' theme from a Zelda or Final Fantasy game might be appropriate for a confrontation with a mobile that puts up a good fight) or MIDIs of movie themes like Jurassic Park or the Neverending Story.
I rarely have music running through my head outside of combat, though. And as amusing as Tabitha's suggestion of 'Heigh Ho' for the dwarfs is, I'm afraid MUD2's dwarfs and the Seven Dwarfs/Dwarves have very little in common. So even though I have, in the past, synned a few dwarfs as 'Doc', 'Dopey', 'Bashful', and 'Sneezy' as a joke, I don't really associate 'Heigh ho' with them. But that's just me.
Gadget friar
 Joined: Dec 08, 2001 Posts: 88 | Posted: 06-03-2002 16:08  
When i first started out I used to listen to the pure moods II cd, great stuff, cept someones nicked it, and when i find the little @?#! I'm gonna #@~! it #~!? into their #@?! and show em my #@!? side.
oh well there's always peer to peer file sharing to get it back.
Vulnax explorer
 Joined: Oct 19, 2001 Posts: 648 From: North West
| Posted: 18-03-2002 00:33  
Not the way Morpheus is playing up lately...
Gadget friar
 Joined: Dec 08, 2001 Posts: 88 | Posted: 18-03-2002 14:29  
Morpheus? Tis truly a poor peer to peer system.
Maxmage cabalist
 Joined: Dec 16, 2001 Posts: 52 | Posted: 27-05-2002 21:16  
I've got some fairly close associations between some quests and some songs - 'The Draize Train' by the Smiths <an ace instrumental that's both electronic and funky> and 'A Short Term Effect' by the Cure <3 minute goth masterpiece!> are both associated with Agrazag's quest, for example. Says a lot for the elements quest, those are two of my favourite songs! More recently, some of my brother's indie stuff has gotten associated with areas in the game, like The Autumns - The Boy With The Aluminium Stilts.
Fisheyes cabalist
 Joined: Oct 27, 2001 Posts: 49 | Posted: 14-06-2003 12:16  
Wow been over a year!
I tend to leave my mp3s cycling randomly but occassionally i get a really inappropriate song for whats happening in mud! like Jennifer Rush's Power of Love coming on as I'm getting pked Why do i have that song in my collection???
I accidently found a good mp3 to play mud to though, anyone remember Hot Butter by Popcorn? Worth downloading it to bring back childhood memories 
[ This Message was edited by: Fisheyes on 14-06-2003 12:17 ]
Havoc pioneer
 Joined: Feb 16, 2003 Posts: 360 From: portland, oregon, usa
| Posted: 17-06-2003 17:01  
Yeah , intersting topic. I always used to listen to Enya (Watermark & Shepard Moons) when I first started playing. It got to the point that Enya now gives me flashbacks!
In more recent years though (linked to a more killer-orientated phase) I've taken to playing hardcore techno. I recommend track #1 of Technohead Headsex. Nothing like a hyped up accelerating background track to frenzy you up for a kill or the start of a reset.
I also used to listen to Prodigy The Experience. I used to think that was racey. Sounds quite tame these days..
Music's not the only accesory I've used. In the past I used to swear by a couple of red bulls before the reset plus a few spoon fulls of sugar. Might be a bit too intense for me these days.
_________________ Havoc
Hawumph Arch-Wizard

 Joined: Jan 23, 2002 Posts: 368 From: Somewhere you don't want to go!
| Posted: 17-06-2003 21:07  
Yeah Enya was great for me - also Enigma - very calming background stuff.
Nowadays - play anything - just play it LOUD!
Although try out Evanescence - good first album!
How 'bout them transparent dangling carrots? It's not fair to deny me, the cross-eyed bear that you gave to me. You otter know!!!
Uthar novice
 Joined: Sep 10, 2003 Posts: 5 | Posted: 10-09-2003 17:14  
Subterranean Homesick Blues - Bob Dylan
Johnny's in the basement
Mixing up the medicine
I'm on the pavement
Thinking about the government
The man in the trench coat
Badge out, laid off
Says he's got a bad cough
Wants to get it paid off
Look out kid
It's somethin' you did
God knows when
But you're doin' it again
You better duck down the alley way
Lookin' for a new friend
The man in the coon-skin cap
In the big pen
Wants eleven dollar bills
You only got ten
Maggie comes fleet foot
Face full of black soot
Talkin' that the heat put
Plants in the bed but
The phone's tapped anyway
Maggie says that many say
They must bust in early May
Orders from the D. A.
Look out kid
Don't matter what you did
Walk on your tip toes
Don't try "No Doz"
Better stay away from those
That carry around a fire hose
Keep a clean nose
Watch the plain clothes
You don't need a weather man
To know which way the wind blows
Get sick, get well
Hang around a ink well
Ring bell, hard to tell
If anything is goin' to sell
Try hard, get barred
Get back, write braille
Get jailed, jump bail
Join the army, if you fail
Look out kid
You're gonna get hit
But users, cheaters
Six-time losers
Hang around the theaters
Girl by the whirlpool
Lookin' for a new fool
Don't follow leaders
Watch the parkin' meters
Ah get born, keep warm
Short pants, romance, learn to dance
Get dressed, get blessed
Try to be a success
Please her, please him, buy gifts
Don't steal, don't lift
Twenty years of schoolin'
And they put you on the day shift
Look out kid
They keep it all hid
Better jump down a manhole
Light yourself a candle
Don't wear sandals
Try to avoid the scandals
Don't wanna be a bum
You better chew gum
The pump don't work
'Cause the vandals took the handles
Gothik cabalist
 Joined: Aug 21, 2001 Posts: 61 From: London
| Posted: 11-09-2003 11:35  
A hard rains gonna fall....
Uthar novice
 Joined: Sep 10, 2003 Posts: 5 | Posted: 12-09-2003 00:19  
Okay, so, I was bored...
MultiUserDungeon Homesick Blues
Someone?s in the wardrobe
emptying all the medicine
I?m on a badly paved road
wondering where my kit?s stowed
Theman in the gothic cape
sword out, verbose off
says he?s got a snoop on
want?s to get it taken off?
Look out kid, it?s something you did?
?hog knows when
but you?re carryin? it again
you better duck down the alleyway
qw?in? for a new friend
Theman in the nightcap
tracking you through the back door
wants five minutes of your time
?n you only got four?
- - -
Fleet comes fleet foot
face full of black soot
talkin? that the heat put
the Draggy orbital but
the phone?s tapped anyway
Jincks says that many say
they must bust in early May
orders from Wireplay
Look out kid, don?t matter what you did?
walk on your tip toes
don?t use macro?s
better stay away from those
that carry around a dagger0
keep a clean nose
n? watch the plain clothes
you don?t need a barometer man
to know which way the wind blows
- - -
ah get sick, get well
hang around under the well
ring bell, hard to sail
in reset rush hell
try hard, get barred
get back, write hail
get jailed, drink ale
join MA if you fail
Look out kid, you?re gonna get hit?
by losers, cheaters
multi-line users
hangin? about the theaters
Banshee by the pool
screamin? for a new fool
don?t follow house leaders
n? watch channel 4?s ?Teachers?
- - -
ah get born, keep warm
brown pants, romance
learn to dance, get dressed, get blessed
try to be a success
please her, please him, do icons
don't steal, don't get ripped
twenty minutes of magic schoolin'
?n they summon you to a dark crypt
Look out kid, they keep it all hid?
better jump down a few holes
light yourself in circles
don't trigger stumbles
try to avoid the bundles
don't wanna be a plodder
better PK newbie fodder
the personna don't work
'cause some vandal took your handle
trollsmash cleric
 Joined: Apr 28, 2010 Posts: 155 | Posted: 01-11-2010 20:43  
[redacted for safety]
[ This Message was edited by: Trollsmash on 09-07-2013 19:26 ]
Zalagar pioneer
 Joined: Mar 05, 2002 Posts: 288 | Posted: 11-02-2020 00:19  
This is a thread worth reviving.
Here's some Music to MUD with...
Fight with dwarf guards: Final Fantasy VII battle music.
Fight with king dwarf: Grieg's 'In the Hall of the Mountain King'.
Chatting with eccentric mortals or wizzes in the tearoom: "Eccentric", Ace Attorney soundtrack "Eccentric 2007" (Apollo Justice Ace Attorney soundtrack), 'Interesting People' (Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations soundtrack), 'Strange People' (Ace Attorney Investigations 2 soundtrack), or 'Lively People' (Ace Attorney Dual Destinies soundtrack).
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 11-02-2020 03:41 ]
stormcrow novice
 Joined: Jan 24, 2020 Posts: 4 | Posted: 18-08-2020 08:04  
Not mudding at present but I almost feel like I'm offline mudding.
Life's an adventure don'tcha know?
Anyhow thought I'd share a few of the playlists that have been my mudscape of late:
Calling all Crows, Pablo of Parables,and The Best Da*n Playlist in the Multiverse.
All can be found on Spotify to those so inclined to look.
For those who aren't, I just have two songs I dedicate to all my mudders:
Stand by Me by Ben E. King and Lean on Me by Bill Withers.
Merry Mudding all.
_________________ The crow flies straight, the crow flies true. Watch out world, the crow flies towards you!
iwanthavefriends novice
 Joined: Mar 31, 2021 Posts: 1 | Posted: 31-03-2021 01:48  
Personally, music distracts me a lot while playing, but I'll try something from your suggestions.
someuncreativename protector
 Joined: Jun 20, 2022 Posts: 14 | Posted: 15-01-2025 14:18  
I know I'm necroposting here, but I tend to put on some dungeon synth/dino synth/RPG ambient (that sort of genre) as background music whenever I'm sitting down for a full set of MUDding/bashing. Basically, the sort of stuff made by Atlantean Sword, Tales Under The Oak, Diplodocus, Synthosaurus, Blod Besvimelse, Witch Bolt, that sort of thing.
I usually put on a full album (or two) of it for a full set, so I don't need to worry about finding other tracks to play mid-set.
Of course, around the time of the auto-reset, the mood changes, so the appropriate music changes too. I'd suggest something like Hurry Up! (from Wario Land 4), It's Pizza Time!!/The Death I Deservioli/Distasteful Anchovi/World Wide Noise/Bye Bye There!!/I Need A Noise (from Pizza Tower), Collapsing Time Rift (from A Hat In Time), or Outta My Way ...It's Happy Hour! (from ANTONBLAST).
Granted, putting a different track on as soon as the 'auto-reset initiated' message appears (and then having enough time to appreciate it) can be a bit tricky, so I'd suggest keeping an eye on the time and swapping a bit ahead of time. But, having some more fitting music on does help to enhance the mood when you're running around trying to finish your mob hunting/treasure swamping/other last-second feats at the end of the set.
[ This Message was edited by: someuncreativename on 15-01-2025 14:18 ]