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MUDII Forum Index » » General Technical Questions » » Fetches
Author Fetches

Joined: Sep 01, 2001
Posts: 13
Posted: 15-11-2001 23:06   
Is there anyway to prevent these or are they just something that happen randomly and are impossible to stop?

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 19-11-2001 23:40   
Don't run other s/ware when playing MUD2.

Don't overdoo the input speed as that also messes up MUD2 and gives a fetch error .. well earlier versions used to!!


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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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From: Liverpool
Posted: 20-11-2001 00:53   
Weren't fetches only a part of the old WP2 client?

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
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Posted: 22-11-2001 20:14   
Fetch errors were specific to the old Wireplay MUD2 client. These days any disconnection gets called a fetch error for historical reasons.

These days disconnections are usually due to network errors - unfortunately the Windows TCP/IP stack seems overly keen to drop connections.

The only way to prevent being dropped is by having a great connection to the internet. Not easy these days!

The only advice I can give you is be wary of AOL - to avoid paying VAT all connections go via America, so you may find connections through AOL drop more often than others.

It's not entirely helpful, I know - but it's there's no easy solution. The vast majority of players don't have any problems - if you're having them, try a different ISP and if that doesn't work, check your PC configuration.


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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 09-04-2002 12:28   

On 22-11-2001 20:14, Foddy wrote:
Fetch errors were specific to the old Wireplay MUD2 client. These days any disconnection gets called a fetch error for historical reasons.

The only way to prevent being dropped is by having a great connection to the internet. Not easy these days!

It's not entirely helpful, I know - but it's there's no easy solution. The vast majority of players don't have any problems - if you're having them, try a different ISP and if that doesn't work, check your PC configuration.


Try cable, ISDN or ADSL perhaps ... always on ( well nearly for ISDN ) and the disconnections from the game may cease?

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Joined: Jun 12, 2002
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Posted: 05-05-2004 12:57   
I've noticed on the net that there exist resilient telnet servers that allow users to reconnect to existing telnet sessions that have been dropped without having to kill the existing session and start again.

This would be a really useful feature for mud to develop / buy, and could sort out the problem of "fetches" once and for all.

From my experience moving to ADSL doesn't solve the problem, it simply makes it quicker to reconnect.

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Joined: Jun 12, 2002
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Posted: 05-05-2004 12:58   
I've noticed on the net that there exist resilient telnet servers that allow users to reconnect to existing telnet sessions that have been dropped without having to kill the existing session and start again.

This would be a really useful feature for mud to develop / buy, and could sort out the problem of "fetches" once and for all.

From my experience moving to ADSL doesn't solve the problem, it simply makes it quicker to reconnect.

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 25-05-2004 20:59   
Now that DOES seem a good idea, the lost telnet connection does seem to remain live for the time out period - 30 secs, 60 secs, etc.or whatever it is set at, so a keep alive service may help, as long as it did not take up bandwidth / server cycles uselessly when the connection is fine ...

coming back to a telnet client near you!

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