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MUDII Forum Index » » House News » » THOF!
Author THOF!

Joined: Nov 27, 2001
Posts: 94
Posted: 27-11-2001 18:30   
THOF is a new house, the only functioning house in mud. its aimed at ENJOYING the game! and getting points together in a pretty round about and relaxed way (or not it doesnt really matter). its a house for anyone and there are only a couple of rules:

*dont take the game too seriously
*dont attack other members
*participate in funerals on the tragic event of the death of a member (god forbid)

(thats an idea i stole from cockroach's TWC if anyone can remember it btw)

*have fun!
*help newbies as much as possible

ok cant think of any more at the mo but ill keep you posted


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Joined: Sep 12, 2001
Posts: 49
Posted: 29-11-2001 08:59   
Allo Cockroach!

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Joined: Nov 27, 2001
Posts: 94
Posted: 29-11-2001 13:53   

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Joined: Nov 27, 2001
Posts: 94
Posted: 29-11-2001 13:55   
woops didnt mean to send that. no im not cockroach i just took his idea.

strike that last message for the moment my mage died

i will be back!


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