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MUDII Forum Index » » Game Suggestions » » Game Login Number
Author Game Login Number

Joined: Aug 14, 2010
Posts: 2
Posted: 29-08-2010 14:55   
This is probably not so much a game suggestion as a house keeping one, on the main MUD page when you log in with your username, just as a thought, when you log in, would it be possible for it to display on the front page after log in the number you use to actually connect to the game ?

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Joined: Nov 20, 2006
Posts: 532
Posted: 30-08-2010 17:35   
A preferable solution I think would be for the game itself to accept the username as an alias for the user number.

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Joined: Oct 19, 2001
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From: North West
Posted: 30-08-2010 21:10   
Can't the user name have more than 1 account and hence account number...

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Joined: Aug 14, 2010
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Posted: 30-08-2010 22:49   
Surely if it can have multiples associated with it, it would display them all and maybe a list of characters in each account?

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Joined: Nov 20, 2006
Posts: 532
Posted: 31-08-2010 11:15   
No, each account is entirely separate - there is exactly one game account number linked with exactly one forum account username. So either suggestion would work fine, but it would only be for one number/name at a time.

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Joined: Aug 19, 2001
Posts: 346
Posted: 31-08-2010 18:46   

On 30-08-2010 17:35, Armand wrote:
A preferable solution I think would be for the game itself to accept the username as an alias for the user number.

But less secure.


On 31-08-2010 11:15, Armand wrote:
No, each account is entirely separate - there is exactly one game account number linked with exactly one forum account username.

It didn't use to be that way, back when it was pay to play.

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