Posted by havoc on 07-07-2015 at 08:42
Havoc the warlock=
The house named "MR" has the following description:
"Death to trinkets!"
*Kennymck the necromancer has just arrived.
*Kennymck the necromancer waves.
OK, Havoc the warlock waves.
*Kennymck the necromancer exclaims "i shgowed how rusty i am!".
*Meg the necromancess has just arrived.
*Meg the necromancess waves.
*Meg the necromancess nods.
*Kennymck the necromancer waves.
*Meg the necromancess says "it took us too long".
*cg pla
Havoc the warlock congratulates you.
It's not the same as when someone else does it, is it?
(-7 = 51,731).
You congratulate Kennymck the necromancer.
(-7 = 51,724).
You congratulate Meg the necromancess.
OK, Havoc the warlock grins.
*Meg the necromancess says "but it was a bit action packed..hehe".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "yeah".
*Meg the necromancess says "i missed the mortal reset message altogether".
*Meg the necromancess says "nice post btw :P".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "obvously".
*say I think you both need some coaching. :D
*Meg pulls up a chair
*Kennymck the necromancer exclaims "i have no argument with that!".
*Meg harrumph
OK, Havoc the warlock grins.
*Meg the necromancess says "who left who in the gfc".
*say Ohhh! That's what you meant about getting stuck in the dwarfs.
*Meg the necromancess says "i wasted a lot of time fighting dws from inside the citadel".
*say Sorry!
*Meg the necromancess nods.
*Meg the necromancess says "you took the baton and resited".
*say That's painful.
*say I autopiloted that.
*say I figured you would just exit it while it was in the hallway. Sorry.
*Meg the necromancess says "i guess i could've waited til gfc went somewhere else".
*Meg the necromancess says "took me awhile to find the top..wish i'd had it on me".
*Meg the necromancess says "sokay, at least we made mortal reset..hehe".
*Meg the necromancess says "it could've been worse".
*Kennymck the necromancer asks "how long did you and secondlook take?".
*Meg the necromancess says "it took us until almost the end of a reset".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "and i would like to say i dont think pikachu was acepted in MR so i probably missed a lot of messages".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "all up we could do SO much better".
*Meg the necromancess says "yeah, wasn't sure".
*say Hmm. I didn't think you'd applied.
*Meg the necromancess says "we need a strategy".
*Kennymck the necromancer tells you "i did just as i jpoined the set".
*Kennymck Sorry!
*Meg the necromancess says "gobs first was a good strategy".
*Kennymck the necromancer asks "do we know rxactly how much T needs to go?".
*say 10k maybe?
*Meg the necromancess says "yes, we had a table..it was around 5k for the 2 of us".
*Meg the necromancess says "probably higher value for more players".
*say *everything* except the keep and icons has worked for me.
*Kennymck the necromancer asks "does draggy gerself count?".
OK, Havoc the warlock shakes his head.
*Meg the necromancess says "don't think so".
*say It's not T. :)
*say So .. strategy.
*say Don't bother collecting T until all the mobiles preventing us from getting T are dead.
*Meg the necromancess nods.
*say Killing thief, banshee, etc was a great idea.
*Kennymck the necromancer says "yup - and i got rid of banshee early fort hat reasont".
*say If we kill the six goblins on the way to the treasure chamber, then the person that does that basilisk can really speed things up.
*Kennymck the necromancer says "yup - know what you mean there".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "and do the bluee room while we are in there".
*say That's why I wanted you both to focus on the goblins in the beginning.
*say Once the basilisk is dead we pillar party from under the hut. Then everyone has great stats.
*say Don't bother collecting T or doing anything like killing snakes at this point.
*say Right after the pillar party someone can do the dragon. When the dragon dies they can do the druids.
*Meg the necromancess nods.
*Meg the necromancess says "i detoured a lil bit to collect the ls..but it helped a lot".
*say If they know how to save the fleece and get the chalice then that brings us closer to a mortal reset.
*Kennymck the necromancer says "WOW - didnt know you could get the chalice back".
*Meg learned that from Crowley
*Meg the necromancess grins.
*Kennymck the necromancer exclaims "Havoc rold me aboui the fleece - still do not know how to!".
*Meg the necromancess says "the fleece that is".
*say We should probably all three of us then eliminate the dwarf guards quickly so that we can stock up on wafers.
*Kennymck the necromancer says "methinks the mirror could be useful when corwley is around".
*Kennymck the necromancer tells you "yeah - lack of wfs was a prob".
*say From there we do the keep and the golem.
*say Someone does the hunchback, the hedgehog, and the crown.
*Kennymck the necromancer says "avoiding nasty PKers".
*say That *should* be crazy fast to do.
*say Once all those mobiles are killed we run around scooping up T and swamping it as quickly as we can.
*say If we're not too precious about who scores what points for which T then it should go quickly.
*Meg the necromancess says "did anyone get the T in evil wood? i know there isn't much...".
*say (face it - we're all going to die and not wiz 99.99% certain this time around - so who needs the points really!)
*Meg the necromancess laughs.
*say Non-mus are okay for something like this if they are really comfortable zipping around. It's nice to make use of the LS.
*say Otherwise though it's better to use necro or higher. It's just faster.
*Meg the necromancess says "yeah, i would've been fine otherwise i think".
*Meg the necromancess says "just waited at pc and got stuck in dwarves".
*Meg the necromancess says "i meant to get the T out of library of ancestry".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "id done that".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "but goit attacked by ws on way out".
*Meg the necromancess says "ls was at underground island luckily".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "forgot to site again".
*say To make this really smooth I'd be able to say "you both do the gobs" and know that you're on it killing them all.
*Meg the necromancess says "yeah, i got most of them".
*say And if you're done doing something you ask what's next.
*say That way I know what everyone's doing and I can coordinate us.
*Kennymck the necromancer says "as i said in gmail - general havoc - lik what a bash general should do".
*say Yeah. Kind of.
*say If we do this a few times then there's no need for a general any more.
*Meg the necromancess says "we could do the keep faster with 2 people".
*say We need surplus wafers to do the keep with. That's the mistake we made.
*Meg the necromancess says "then have another good wp to do dwarves, etc".
*Meg the necromancess says "ah, yes, true".
*Meg didn't have any wafers
*say Also we really shouldn't have killed the wyvern or tried to kill the griffin.
*Meg the necromancess nods.
*Kennymck the necromancer asks "hmmmmm - run past them you mean?".
*say Oh. Once a mobile gets a player kill it levels up to be crazy tough. So unless it's close to death or something there's no point tring to kill it.
*say Plus if you do kill it you only get a fraction of a fraction of your original score back.
*Meg the necromancess says "yeah, griff was going to be tough once i had to flee".
*Meg the necromancess asks "what happened with the surlies Kenny?".
*Meg the necromancess says "i was going to help out but then decided to try for keep".
*Kennymck the necromancer says "1t time round it was typos - eya a wf for example".
*say We should do the dwarfs and keep in pairs unless we have crazy quantities of wafers (which is unlikely).
*Kennymck the necromancer says "iahd 2 wfs and didnt maneg to eat either".
*Meg the necromancess says "yeah, i like the idea of pairs, for keep and at least dw guards".
*say Maybe that's it. One pair does the dwarfs and a loner can take on the keep the quicker way.
*Kennymck the necromancer says "hwo long did Havic and me (in another name) take to do gobs last week - about 90 secs".
*Meg the necromancess nods.
*Meg the necromancess says "that's a good idea".
*say Mind if I share this conversation on mudii as a teaser to get people excited to do this too?
*Meg the necromancess says "let's challenge them".
OK, Havoc the warlock grins.
*say Ok. I'll post this then.
*Kennymck the necromancer says "go n - we need more folk playting more often".
*Kennymck the necromancer exclaims "crap - ot will really shopw ho wbad my typing ois!".