Posted by havoc on 19-07-2015 at 09:27
You are situated in a fine, Edwardian-period conference room, its perfect acoustics and lack of distractions being ideal for private, cosy chats.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard is here.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "Better?". OK, Havok the warlock nods.
Havok the warlock says "Hey Hawumph. Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard bows.
Havok the warlock says "You're an archwiz now. How long ago did you turn from mortal to a regular wiz here?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Shamefully, I'm not certain. I think around 2001.".
Havok the warlock says "At what point did you decide to run for wiz?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Probably about 1996".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard laughs.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "It was on a different system. Online Entertainment.".
OK, Havok the warlock nods.
Havok the warlock says "What happened?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I got to within about 8k, and the system shut down.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "There was then Roger's Mud. That was just ,,,,, scary.".
OK, Havok the warlock nods.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Eventually I setled to mud2.com, and just went for it".
Havok the warlock says "Along the way to wiz, what were some of the hard lessons?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Friends can be targets.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "If you really want to wiz, nobody is really going to help you, or if they do, they will be targeted.".
Havok the warlock says "Ah. They're punished for helping you, you mean?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "It's been known.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I also have attacked a friend, for the points. In fact I believe that's how I made wiz.".
Havok the warlock says "What else did you learn on your path to wiz?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I learned that wizmorts, whilst not existing, are actually really helpful.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Best way to learn.".
Havok the warlock says "Can you ellaborate on that?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I started logging every reset, a habit that stuck. I then started to reread every fight I had. And see what was done to me, with what, and by who.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "You get to learn things to do, and also how people fight".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Snooping helps a lot too :)".
Havok the warlock says "Without spoiling anything, what kinds of things did you learn?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "How the artificial physics of mud can help people is one thing?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "How being seen or not is another".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "And also, the tactics of running away".
OK, Havok the warlock chuckles.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "Ever notice how some people run, but don't go?".
OK, Havok the warlock nods.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Also I guess the most telling thing is shortening every command to it's essence. Why type a book if you can use 2 or 3 letters.".
Havok the warlock says "What other kinds of self-improvement changes did you make?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Make a map, then memorise it and burn it.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "To this day, I don't look at paper".
OK, Havok the warlock nods.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard exclaims "Know where to sleep!!!!".
OK, Havok the warlock claps.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "You absolutely have to have a safe haven".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Then learn how to break in to the safe havens. Warlocks and mages are the most valuable things in the game. So learn how to get them.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard grins.
Havok the warlock says "So what's your view on the role of killing other players on your way to wiz?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I was less bloodthirsty than many when I did it the first time, definitely more bloodthirsty when I made it here.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I had the benefit of wizrunning at the same time as others here. Sabretooth, notably".
OK, Havok the warlock nods.
Havok the warlock says "What was your reasoning for killing others on your way to wiz?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "It's a shortcut, their points are worth more than a lot of resets if they are highlife.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "But you need to be sure you can maintain that, not just get a lucky kill.".
Havok the warlock says "Is the goal to dominate resets so that no-one else dares set foot in the land?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Personally no. There's a lot of advantage to having other players in with you.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Bit dominating the reset, yes.".
OK, Havok the warlock grins.
Havok the warlock says "What's a memorable moment from your wiz run here?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Fighting sabretooth, both as mages. And the game crashed".
Havok the warlock says "What happened?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "We went north and finished it".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard laughs.
Havok the warlock says "We're almost out of time.".
Havok the warlock says "What's some advice you have for me personally on making wiz?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Chat's fun (I am a socialiser) but leave the tearoom more :)".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "A lot of people sit and chat in the tearoom, I did, a lot.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "But you need to dedicate to make wiz, it's a slog, repetition.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Remember, if you flee as a mage, that's a lot of points.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "So you need to be in there as much as possible.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Interview Gaia, his last run was a tribute to dedication".
Havok the warlock says "So if I commit to the slog and the repetition and play as much as I can what's next?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Play busy resets where possible. They work out beter for points (assuming you can survive).".
OK, Havok the warlock nods.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "And don't waste time on hundreds of personae.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Oh, one other tip".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard asks "Enjoy yourself. If it's not fun, why are you doing it?".
OK, Havok the warlock chuckles.
Havok the warlock says "Thanks very much for this. I'll edit it for the site soon. Any closing thoughts?".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "Just one, I know you too have played a long time, I just wonder, is there any other online game that can keep people so involved, for so long? I resurrected a load of accounts recently as you know, it was like stepping back in time.".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "So it's definitely worth wizzing here :)".
OK, Havok the warlock claps.
Havok the warlock says "Yes. This is the best game there is.".
Havok the warlock says "I found my way back here again after I put together my bucket list which had on it "make wiz on mudii.co.uk".".
Havok the warlock says "Thanks, Hawumph. I'll post this today I hope.".
OK, Havok the warlock waves.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard says "I'll hide for a week then".
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard grins.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard waves.
Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard has just disappeared in a puff of smoke.