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[quote] On 03-04-2002 20:41, Theman wrote: If you take a look at traditional unions in the sense of two different entities coming together historically the results are very difficult to predict. The traditional country unions that are typical of this kind of two powers joining scienario such as Austria-Hungary (WWI) and then there is the continual trouble in areas like the Middle-East. Ok, so MUD isn't a country but in many ways it has to fundementally act as one. So say Foddy and Viktor get along fine...they manage to settle where things should be and who runs what..and then say the wizzes manage to pull together. They of course need to agree on a accepted standard for policing the game, too many contrasting standards of control will cause a spilt. But what of traditional human reactions like greed and competition I get the distinct impression that it will only take one wiz to tip the balance of power, players will band together and before we now it there will be a group who want to leave and go make their own MUD. So am I in favour of a merger? No, not unless you can prove to me that it will actually work. And that's of course the whole problem..technically it's not the kind of thing you can run over a month or so to 'see how it goes'. It will either work or it won't. Actually my doubts come in when the admins move on, when the wizzes change...I would like to think that the game would be able to continue with the solid friendships between admins that it would be built on but I somehow doubt that would last. Maybe I am to pesimistic but I feel if the merger goes wrong we may end up with many more than just the two MUDs on the web.
[ This Message was edited by: Theman on 03-04-2002 20:42 ]
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