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[quote] On 05-04-2002 10:36, Gothik wrote: more non cents I havent played at .com so can only imagine from other comments made that it has a slightly different feel to, which I would think is a good thing. There doesnt seem to be any obvious economic benefit in merging the two sites since, i imagine both sites run at a loss via the good will and madness of the 2 game managements. The two sites in a way are effectively merged anyhow, in the sense of shared players, quests, maybe wizzes, abc/muddled times etc, so it is difficult for me to see any big advantage in killing one site off. If one of the muds ever gets popular 50 plus players a set etc for whatever reason, again I feel it would be nice to have somewhere to escape that is not so crowded, the current relatively small numbers of mudders gives a different feel to the wp manic days. I dont think a merger would be a very bad thing, and sure it could be made to work, but guess I feel something subtle in terms of variety would be lost. Not updating persona is bad enough to see in print, but not updating a reincarnation of mud2 would be a sad day indeed. [/quote]
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