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[quote] On 21-04-2002 22:41, Foddy wrote: [quote] On 13-04-2002 19:06, Billygoat wrote: i think it would be a good idea to merge sites, the only problem being that there would be little security... if one mud2 died then they would all be dead. [/quote] This is something which has been brought up a few times now. We certainly don't intend doing a vanishing act, but anything can happen - if it did, I'm sure Viktor (or someone else) would be more than happy to carry on. [quote] i think wizzes should all be put back on 0 in the case of a merger cos they would have to prove their worth and it would be great fun to see old and new wizzes battle it out (and maybe kick some of their arses). [/quote] It's something which would be fun to watch, but probably wouldn't be best for the game. There's more to being a wiz than practicing playing mortal all day - should the wizzes who don't be penalised? Also, what about the mages, would they have their scores zeroed? If not, wouldn't they most likely make wiz before any of the old wizzes? That sounds like far too much work for the arch-wizzes! And how do you stop a wiz who knows this is going to happen preparing for it by running up a mortal to 204,799 points? I'm sure it'd be both interesting and fun, but probably won't happen. Sorry! [quote] would be intresested to head foddy's view on the merger thing. [/quote] There are definite points both for and against a merger. Some of them have been mentioned above, some probably will be below ... However, I'm going to keep my personal view quiet for now. If I make it public, people may take that as the end of discussion and not share their views with us. While I do have opinions, they're not fixed - I'm perfectly willing to be persuaded one way or the other. In the end, I believe both Viktor and I will do what's best for the community and MUD itself - whatever that is! So, let's hear from the people who haven't spoken yet ... what do you think? Foddy [/quote]
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