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[quote] On 26-04-2024 00:39, Zalagar wrote: [b]Bash report 25/04/2024:[/b] Well, this mobile bash had some returns to MUD2. We welcomed back Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard, after a lenghty hiatus. Also present was Jamesbond the necromancer, doing his first mobile bash in over a decade (he would say later he greatly enjoyed his first bash in 15 years or so). When the bash officially got underway, the following were present: *who Hawumph the onomatopoeic arch-wizard Firedemon the dark wizard Heiach the chimerical wizard Zedar the bash-general necromancer Rob the complaining warlock Dedfish the swordswoman Jamesbond the necromancer Dara the necromancess Cenedra the lovely mage Lowfields the necromancer Drizzle the wobbly mage [img][/img] Joined by Jamesbond, bash participants Zedar, Rob, Dedfish, Dara, and Lowfields ventured out into The Land while Cenedra and Drizzle stayed in the tearoom to offer moral support. Similar to the previous week, Dara disposed of the fox, the scorpion, and the piglet early on. The man and the thief were taken down in the pine forest, and Dara fought with the bison. Soon the bison went down. The bison had been one of the final three mobiles in the previous week's bash. Later on, someone else, not wishing the ending of this bash to be a similar story, took down one of the other final three from the previous week's bash, the spider. Dedfish defeated half of the watersnakes, and then joined Zedar and Jamesbond to take out the other half. Dara managed to use a prepared explosive to take down one of the giants, but not before having to deal with five goblins who fought with her. Afterward, she disposed of a number of goblins, though the chickens proved elusive, some hiding in small rooms. Lowfields took down a giant or two. After giant3 fled from Lowfields, Zedar pursued it and dealt the finishing blow. After finishing off the drake, Dara left the area while the others finished off the cows. Dedfish took out most of the north mountain area mobiles (snowbird, pony, and such) and then teamed up with Zedar and Jamesbond to fight in the evil wood. Dara took out ape0, and many of the other apes got upset about it and took out their frustrations on each other. Dara would find ape5, ape2, and ape4, and take them down. Meanwhile, Jamesbond, Zedar, and Dedfish teamed up to take on the vampire and the wraith, and brought them down while Lowfields finished off goblin32. Dara and Lowfields finished off the giant snake, and then worked together to take down the tiger. Lowfields had to flee while Dara dealt the finishing blow, but Lowfields would go on to deal with the mobiles on the upper floor of the pagoda. Rob fought with the dwarfs in the dwarf realm, including the king and queen, and Zedar arrived to assist with the surlies. Sealife was a problem. More than once, mishaps occurred at sea when attempting to take down the sharks. There was rain, and there was the time Zedar ended up fleeing from a shark. But soon, the sealife was sent to the bottom. Dedfish found the ox and disposed of it. As the mobile count went down to 12, there was WHing and shouting. Stag, swan, boar, zombie7, and others were left. Dara took down the boar, and arrived while Dedfish and Rob were fighting the stag (Dedfish with the billhook, Rob with Valetant, and Dara with the rice flail). The swan was also disposed of. The lion spawned, and was sighted in the center of the graveyard along with the summoned skeleton0, both of whom were taken down by Rob. Rob also fought with the monk, which was one of the last five mobiles remaining. With the wolf and the golem (and bee0) the last mobiles left, there was a search for wolfsbane. Rob found it and went to the wolf, and bee0 was taken down. With golem the last one remaining, there came the meditating with Dara and Dedfish helping. The golem went down, and the mobile bash was successful with 28 minutes to spare. Rob kindly left the icons and the keep treasure in the hut for any who wanted it. And so this bash was a success, thanks to great teamwork in many areas. We'll have to wait and see what awaits us in the weeks to come.
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 24-05-2024 04:40 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 31-05-2024 23:48 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 16-06-2024 07:46 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 01-07-2024 14:47 ]
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 13-07-2024 04:49 ]
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