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[quote] On 03-05-2024 13:50, someuncreativename wrote: This was the first time Dedf1sh experienced the problem of 'running out of magic', and found herself fully expecting to get obliterated by the touchstone after getting through the bash (surviving the touchstone twice!? :laughing:). The Man seemed to have the same idea, turning himself invisible and unilaterally departing the fight (without fleeing) shortly after this mishap, with all the exaggerated unviewable swagger of an invis muser untouchable by mere low-stamina fighters, knowing that Dedf1sh would end up meeting the same fate as most Champion(ne)s soon enough anyway. Despite having this sense of foreboding looming over her during the rest of the bash, Dedf1sh didn't let that dissuade her from putting her all into the bashing effort - and was pleased about finding the longsword (it was in the rocky pit this week). Her lack of magic also didn't prevent her from stumbling upon the moth - in fact, it actually helped, as she found it whilst looking for the Snugglepuss, which (unbeknownst to her due to a lack of WH) was already dead. And so, the bash concluded, and Dedf1sh, knowing her time was up, opted to go out in style. She was pleasantly surprised when she found herself still alive (albeit at the cost of an amazing punchline) - making this the first time she survived a bash without dying any stupid deaths or death deaths. Granted, she promptly decided to throw some science against the wall, making her way over to the pagoda to enter the coffin to see if any Strange Things would happen - in turn earning herself a stupid death by returning to [b][i]monke[/i][/b] in the name of science. Of course, Strange Things ultimately didn't happen, but she at least made the pagoda ape-free again afterwards.
[ This Message was edited by: someuncreativename on 03-05-2024 22:25 ]
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