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[quote] On 18-05-2024 05:38, Zalagar wrote: The mobile bash on Thursday May 16, 2024 began with the following: *who Heiach the chimerical wizard Dara the sorceress Zedar the warlock Dedfish the sorceress Drizzle the wobbly mage Sibylla the pioneer Sibylla would not stay, and Blitzen would show up later. When the bash began, some of us encountered some of the more vexing mobiles early on. According to Dedfish's own account of the start of the bash, Dedfish had an amazing start to the bash - instantly getting ambushed by the vampire, and having to flee (but ultimately getting blocked by the vampire anyway upon trying to leave the area, eventually qq-ing and re-entering The Land around Dally Lane). Zedar was able to kill the Vampire. Meanwhile, Dara had encountered the thief at the upper floors of the inn and decided to get the thief out of the way early. As she finished the thief off, it was announced that the vampire had been disposed of, but the wraith was still around. *(Zedar the bash-general warlock) shouts "v dead". You have just been woken up! Your stamina is 55. *A female voice in the distance cheers. *(Zedar the bash-general warlock) shouts "but the wraith guards your items". The wraith would not be dealt with until MUCH later in the set. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. While Dedfish rested and recovered, Dara disposed of the fox and the piglet. Meanwhile, Dedf1sh grabbed the mallet and proceeded to bash the dove and the boar, but very nearly got killed by the stag (stag-gering away on only 8 stamina!) Zedar was able to come in and finish off the stag, whilst Dedf1sh tried to sleep off the pain in the cowshed. Zedar would move on to fight the basilisk. Having finished with the bees in the maze while the stag fights were happening, Dara moved to the cellar to fight rats. She would later join with the others for the pillar event before heading back to the cellar to rid it of the rest of the rats. At this point, Blitzen had joined the bash. (updated screenshot with who list including Blitzen goes here - Snypster has not arrived yet) Dedfish found the beetle and managed to kill it. Dara ventured to the dragon island and fed the dragon the item that would result in the delayed reaction death, as pagoda opened. According to Dedfish's recounting of what happened, Dedfish and Zedar valiantly fought the ram, but the ram managed to bamboozle Dedf1sh as it unsuccessfully attempted to flee. Dedf1sh opted the best thing to do now would be to venture into the scriptorium and kill the hunchback. Great success! Zedar, meanwhile, reported that the ram had been finished off. Dara ventured into pagoda area and fought with ape0, causing ape0's followers to go their separate ways and, unfortunately for them, have a rather brutal falling out. Dedfish went into the villa to kill the snugglepuss and nab some t, however, upon reaching the swamp, the banshee saw an opportunity for some easy points - and Dedfish narrowly escaped on 14 stamina. On the bright side, this happened soon afterward. *In the distance, you hear the terrible RHOAAAUUUAURRRRGGGGGGHGHHHGHHHH of a dragon dying. [b]The bash is going well[/b] Zedar announced that the mine was flooding, as Dara fought with the pony. Dara finished off the north mountain mobiles and went after remaining apes, taking out ape2 and ape9. Then fought with monk. When Ape8 went down, the following message was sent throughout The Land. *For your information: there are 75 mobiles still alive. *reset You wake up! Your stamina is 81. Time-stamp: 21:48:01 on 16-MAY-2024. This is reset 115570, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 57 minutes. Not long after this, Zedar announced he needed some help finishing off skeleton1 in the gorse. Dara rushed to assist him, and skeleton1 was so overwhelmed it just fell apart. Dedfish, meanwhile, found herself a shiny new pickaxe, and ventured under the well to start mining some uhh snakes. Zedar, meanwhile, invaded the dwarfs. As Dara fought with the giant snake, Zedar announced that he had to flee from the dwarf king and queen. However, with help from Blitzen and intervention from a certain other, the king and queen were disposed of before they could enjoy their expanded power too much. Zedar finished off the surlies, and Dara soon used up the last of her wafers fighting the tiger. Dedfish soon announced that the watersnakes were done. Blitzen decided to attempt the touchstone, and Zedar offered to leave some treasure in the hut in case Blitzen failed. *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "if the ts is unsuccesful, there is treasure in the hut afterwards for you to get a bit back". *who A female voice in the distance shouts "anyway under well is done". The others wished Blitzen well, but unfortunately THIS happened: (Zedar the bash-general warlock) shouts "Blitzen noooooo!". *obit No-one above novice level has died in a fight this reset. The following non-first-game players have died to the touchstone this reset: Blitzen the champion, short of luck by a very small amount. *A female voice in the distance shouts "nooooooooooo!". *(Zedar the bash-general warlock) shouts "Condolences buddy.". (screenshot optional) At least Blitzen had the means to bounce back, with the aforementioned treasure in the hut and some other means. Dara, meanwhile, had her own difficulties with the man. She had to flee from him earlier, and needed the help of Zedar in the rematch. [b]Diabolus Ex Machina[/b] Things were looking good in the bash, and it seemed all the players needed to do was WH the mobiles that had eluded us. There were 30 mobiles left with 25 minutes left to go. But then our team of mobile bashers were presented with a Diabolus Ex Machina (the evil opposite of a Deus Ex Machina, where something comes out of nowhere to make things WORSE for the protagonists instead of better) in the form of the giant realm opening. *In the distance, you hear the terrifying sound of rock splitting! *sv 83 alive, 214 dead. *reset Time-stamp: 22:19:47 on 16-MAY-2024. This is reset 115570, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 25 minutes. *who Seifer the smokey wizard Heiach the chimerical wizard Snypster the warlock Dedfish the sorceress Blitzen the surrealist champion Dara the dragon-slaying sorceress Cenedra the lovely mage Zedar the bash-general warlock Drizzle the wobbly mage (screenshot optional) To be clear, the giants realm opening isn't really a problem if it happens at the start of the bash or within the first few minutes. Then all the players are ready to take on the several extra mobiles (including but not limited to the giants themselves), and can do so with careful planning. But when giants realm opens late in the bash, when there's 30 mobiles remaining and 25 minutes left to go, then things get a lot more awkward. The late arrival of Snypster had accidentally caused the giants realm to open, providing the mobiles with unexpected reinforcements. (Oh, and redwoods also was opened up, but the wizzes intervened and decided to take down the redwoods mobiles themselves, since the late in the set opening of giants was enough of a raised difficulty level for the bash). The previously optimistic mood changed, and now everyone was doubtful that they would be able to take down the additional mobiles before time ran out. However, we decided to at least try our best. On a brighter note, Blitzen made it to champion again and this time was able to use the touchstone and survive. At this point, it was a race against time. Dara had an accident carrying explosives, and had to log back in and fight fissure goblins. The explosive in question was brought back by a generous wiz, and Dara was able to use it to blow up a giant and goblins in the shrine area, but not before having to fight a group of goblins the old-fashioned way. Dedfish joined in with that fight. Dedfish also helped Zedar with the spider, and killed it, then managed to qq and re-enter before the spider's poison finished her. As time was running low, there were shouts about wounded giants, while Dara fought with more goblins with eleven minutes left to go. Heiach offered an extension for the time limit. Zedar Wh'ed zombies, finding 27, z9, and z3 (the latter two in graveyard, while zombie7 was still in the mausoleum). Zedar finished off the wraith (which was still around after the vampire was taken out at the beginning), and Heiach announced that giant2 was very injured. Dara found giant2 seriously injured, and fought to finish it off. She did so, and used some wafers found in the vicinity to help recover. It was also announced that the wolf, the swan, and the stegosaurus had been among the 30 mobiles that remained before giant area opened. Dara finished off another goblin while they (and the aforementioned zombies) were being dealt with. The valiant efforts of the players managed to get the mobile count down to 39. *reset Time-stamp: 22:42:58 on 16-MAY-2024. This is reset 115570, using slot 0. An auto-reset will be initiated in approximately 2 minutes. *sv 39 alive, 258 dead. *sh 39 with 2 minutes left... You shout "39 with 2 minutes left...". *sleep ZZZzzz... *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "with a possible extension...". Dedfish fought with the zombies that were roaming the graveyard, and then the ghoul. And then we had the extension. *Auto-reset initiated, you have 120 seconds to finish up. No further warnings will be issued! *The impending reset has been postponed by 900 seconds. It will now occur in 1020 seconds' time. *n Zedar the bash-general warlock cheers. *cheer You cheer. *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "thanks!". *A female voice in the distance shouts "pizza tower - it's pizza time". *Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "ichthyosaurus". Cows and chickens in the area not far from the giants house were soon taken out. Dara and Helmsman (who had shown up around this point) would finish off the bull. Soon, some people were going back to doing what they were doing before the giant area opened up - namely, WHing to find out which mobiles were left. Zedar the bash-general warlock shouts "z7, wolf, swan, stegosaurus, spider, phoenix, octopus, mongoose, mammoth, ichthyosaurus, ghost, coot, ammonite". Dara discoved the ammonite in the hut and disposed of it, leaving 16 mobiles left. With 5 minutes left, it was a rush to see how many could be taken out. The swan was fought. Dedfish took out some leftover dwarfs. In the end, though the players made a valiant effort, the bash ended with 7 mobiles (including golem) surviving. The set came to an end, and everyone ended up in the tearoom. [b]Post-bash thoughts and wrapup[/b] Despite the fact that technically the players did not succeed in the goal of the mobile bash - namely getting rid of all the mobiles in one set - the mood was still pretty good in the post-bash meeting. Everyone generally agreed that we gave it a good effort anyway. Things got in a festive mood afterward, with holiday or party decorations and champagne brought to the tearoom and everyone being temporarily given festive prefixes. *Heiach the festive wizard waves. *Blitzen the festive sorcerer exclaims "See you all soon!". *>P>S>H>H>H>T! Folly the festive necromancer has soaked you in a spray of champagne. All in all, an amazing bash with some twists and turns that helped to illustrate how no two sets - and in particular, no two mobile bashes - are alike. One never knows just what may happen, and that's part of the fun. Who knows what might await players in future bashes? In any case, that concludes the writeup for the May 16, 2024 mobile bash. As always, participants can feel free to post their notes and observations. Special thanks to Dedfish and Zedar and their notes (some of which were directly quoted in this writeup), as well as Dara's notes.
[ This Message was edited by: Zalagar on 19-05-2024 03:00 ]
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